Wildfires bring smoke to Moscow

A look at UI's Moscow campus throughout the weekend

A lone golfer hits a golf ball into the smoke at the UI Golf Course on Saturday.
A lone golfer hits a golf ball into the smoke at the UI Golf Course on Saturday.

Thick smoke hung in the Moscow air this weekend, lingering like a fog. Due to fires in the region the University of Idaho’s Moscow campus was closed Monday with concerns over poor air quality. Moscow’s air quality ranged from hazardous to very unhealthy, according to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.

The following gallery is a collection of photos taken from photographers at The Argonaut. These photos were taken both in Moscow and on the UI campus throughout the weekend and Monday. For more information on the smoke and UI’s closure check out The Argonaut’s coverage here.

Photographers can be reached at arg-photo@uidaho.edu

Hazy smoke surrounds Theophilus Tower.
Cody Roberts | The Argonaut
Students stand in front of the Grid as smoke covers campus, clouding sight of the I Tank.
Cody Roberts | The Argonaut
Students have closed windows along the Wallace Residence Center Saturday.
Kim Stager | The Argonaut
The ASUI-Kibbie Dome practice field Saturday.
Kim Stager | The Argonaut
The University of Idaho Golf Course Water Tank surrounded by smoke Monday.
Cody Roberts | The Argonaut
A lone golfer hits a golf ball into the smoke at the UI Golf Course Saturday.
Kim Stager | The Argonaut
Smoke lurches over the administration lawn and Hello Walk Saturday.
Kim Stager | The Argonaut
A student lies by the Spanish American War Memorial on the administration lawn Saturday.
Kim Stager | The Argonaut
A view of the smoke Monday from the east side of Moscow.
Nicole Hindberg | The Argonaut
A red sun shows through the smoke clouds Saturday.
Kim Stager | The Argonaut

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