Vandal Food Pantry Curbside Pickup is open to the community and students this fall.
Vandal Food Pantry cabinets are not operating because of COVID-19, but Vandal Curbside Pantries will be available.
The pickup is located at the loading/unloading zone at the Pitman Center. The pickup will be moved back to the West side of the building when the construction is complete.
On the Center for Volunteerism & Social Action’s (CVSA) website, the last day for the summer Vandal Food Pantry Curbside Pickup was last Wednesday.
The dates and hours for the fall were updated at the end of last week.
The dates and hours for the Fall 2020 semester are Tuesdays 3:30 – 4:30 p.m., Wednesdays 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. and Thursdays 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. The first Wednesday of the month will replace the Vandal Food Pantry wit the Mobile Pantry.
Donations can be dropped off in boxes located in the Idaho Student Union Building on the second floor by the elevator near the rotunda, the Counseling Testing Center on the first floor of Forney Hall, and the Pitman Center on the first floor across from the information desk.
Other donating locations are posted on the CVSA website on their Interactive Food Pantry Map.
This organization accepts non-perishable food items only.
CVSA is running a paper bag drive the whole month of September. Lightly used, full sized paper bags can be dropped off at any donation bin location.
The Mobile Food Pantry will continue operating as scheduled in parking lot 108 West of the Student Recreation Center.
This event is held monthly and takes place from noon through 2 p.m. every first Wednesday from September through May.
Volunteers collect information from those visiting the Mobile Food Pantry. They ask for a person’s name, city of residence, first time visiting the mobile, how many people are being provided for and their ages.
The Mobile Pantry will function as a drive/walk through. Meal bags will be prepacked, and bags will be given out based on family size.
If you would like to contact someone for more information about the Vandal Food Pantry Curbside Pickup or volunteer to help, their phone number and email are (208) 885-9442 and
Kim Stager can be reached at or on Twitter @journalismgoals.