Moscow’s third Black Lives Matter protest will take place Saturday afternoon on the north side of town.
The event, called the Justice and Solidarity Protest and March on City Hall: Moscow, will begin at 1 p.m. at the Rosauers Supermarket and march to City Hall.
According to the Facebook event page, there will be a candlelight vigil as well.
“Let me be clear about something: we will be moving on sidewalks. We will not be impeding traffic, and we are not going to put anyone’s safety at risk,” the organizer said in a post on the Facebook event page. “We will be loud. We will be heard.”
The organizer, Rob Tarver, encouraged the use of face masks, saying he would try to provide them to people who didn’t have one.
Tarver also said the City is aware of the protest and was notified there will not be a large police presence during the event.
The Argonaut will continue to follow this story.
Anteia McCollum can be reached at or on Twitter @antxiam5