This week, check your sign to see which type of video YouTube recommends you most.
Do you have an idea for what you’d like to see in horoscopes? Email us at to submit your suggestions.

TED talks: You went through a huge TED talk phase. You love hearing quick snippets of ideas and news, just enough to keep you informed but still keep up with your busy schedule. Your recommended feed reflects this, peppering in videos on various topics.

Lofi hip hop videos: You crave comfort and gentleness. Among the cute videos of bunnies, puppies and kittens, YouTube throws soft, lofi beats your way. These videos give you a soundtrack while you work and relax, although sometimes you go for a gentle piano video instead.

Speedpaints and animatics: Honestly, you get recommended anything and everything creative, but speedpaints and animatics combine some of the things you love most: music, visual art and, occasionally, musical theater. These videos are how you find new artists and you love your recommended feed for it.

Podcast episodes: Virgos tend to be critical about what they consume, so you likely subscribe to a select number of content creators. You like to play them in the background, passively listening to their thoughts while you go about your day. YouTube’s podcast recommendations keep you going.

Discourse and drama: Libras love to hear both sides of the story. Your guilty — or not-so-guilty — pleasure is listening to other people’s drama. So YouTube recommends discourse videos and discussions for everything form the beauty community to the gaming community.

Rage quits: Scorpios live off intense emotions and rage quits are where it’s at for that. You cackle as you watch YouTubers annoy their friends to the point of screaming matches. It’s all in good fun, of course… until your friends pull the same stunts on you.

Travel vlogs: You want to explore the world in your own way. Maybe you can’t afford to actually travel, but you can watch your favorite YouTubers do it and live vicariously through them. Your feed is full of sights, sounds and food from across the globe… or maybe just your dream destination.

Lyric videos: Capricorns can be pessimistic and melancholic, struggling beneath the weight of their goals and personal standards. You escape that by listening to the same few songs on repeat, but YouTube has caught on to your games. Now your feed is full of lyric videos for your favorite artists.

Current event videos: Aquarians are on a quest to find the truth. You curate your feed to provide you with the latest from your most trusted sources, whether they’re news outlets or content creators. Your friends probably come to you when they want something explained because you saturate yourself in the here and now.

The Dodo: The Dodo is not the only content creator that puts out those heartwarming, gut-wrenching “look someone adopted the dog and now it’s happy!” videos, but who cares. Your feed is full of them. Sometimes you just need to escape reality and happy cry for a little bit over cute animals and nice people.

Self-improvement and advice videos: Aries are leaders, but you’re well aware there’s always room to improve. You surround yourself with the things you think you need to hear most. Your favorite content creators are your personal hype-people and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

How-to videos: You love learning new skills, and with the internet at your fingertips with video walkthroughs and introductions to topics, what better way to learn than with YouTube? YouTube fills your feed with all sorts of useful information, from how to fix a tire to how to solve an equation.
Lex Miller can be reached at