This week, check your sign to see which freshman stereotype you are.
Do you have an idea for what you’d like to see in horoscopes? Email us at [email protected] to submit your suggestions.
The Over-Prepared Freshman: Geminis love to gather as much information as they can. You are no exception. As a freshman, you obsessively researched your new school and its programs, which classes you could take, where you would be living… Nothing was off limits. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, either.
The Nervous Freshman: Cancers don’t like change. You find comfort within, whether that means at home or in your mind. You probably tried to find a school as close to home as possible and were so nervous you shook on your way to your first class. It’s okay to get out of your comfort zone, take a deep breath and go for it.
The Over-Involved Freshman: Leos jump into the fray as soon as they can. The second Palousafest opened up your freshman year, you were there, sorting through clubs and organizations and networking with your future classmates. You probably ended up in over your head, too. Remember it’s okay to say no and take a step back.
The Mature Freshman: You get called “mature for your age” a lot, no matter how old you get. This went double your freshman year. You may have ended up in a group of friends older than you or worked your way onto a research team that originally didn’t accept freshman. Take advantage of the opportunities you level-headed-ness offers you.
The Organized Freshman: You wrote yourself a detailed shopping list for your freshman year before you even stepped foot on campus. Your desk is always organized just so, with your pencils, pens and post-it notes all in their proper places. You try your best to keep this sense of order even now, but remember it’s okay to struggle.
The Loud Freshman: Scorpios always have an opinion to share. You are loud and proud about your beliefs, even when you may get teased for them or looked down upon. That’s something to be admired. People may joke about how annoying freshmen are, but no matter your age, you bring valid points to the table. Never forget that.
The Plan-Loving Freshman: Sagittarians are perfectionists. While your “plan” may just be to explore, you always have an idea of what you want to do. You always have a goal in mind, no matter how small, and you will achieve it no matter how difficult it may be to do so. Remember to rely on your spontaneous side from time to time.
The Normal Freshman: You treated your freshman year like any other year. Capricorns are known for their stability and for you, your freshman year meant nothing more than another step in your already incredibly detailed life plan. You stick out not for your loudness or how involved you are, but for how matter-of-fact you are.
The Entrepreneurial Freshman: Aquarians have high expectations and lofty goals. As a freshman, you probably started a club or two, then moved on to other opportunities. You always intend to reach for the stars and knowing you, you’ll make it. Keep yourself grounded while you work, though, so you don’t get lost in the clouds.
The Excited Freshman: Pisceans are inherently emotional. Your freshman year, everything meant that much more to you. This was your first college class, your first dorm room… There were a lot of firsts and you wanted to document everything. You can still be seen taking pictures of your important firsts. Keep that love of life with you.
The Party-Loving Freshman: Your freshman year afforded you something high school couldn’t: more opportunities to spread your social wings and take on bets that, in hindsight, you shouldn’t have. Now, you have a large and passionate friend group who love your go-getter attitude.
The Double-Checker Freshman: Taureans place security high on their priority list. You had a to-do list a mile long in preparation for college. This probably made you more prepared than your peers, which is something to be proud of in my book. Keep that reliability and it will do you good in the future.
Lex Miller can be reached at [email protected]