Paying a few dollars for a sandwich, allowing organizations at the University of Idaho to create their own rules to govern themselves and mining students going on an annual trip are different things looked at this week.
Looking back to see what was going on in past years is a great way to gain insight into what the world used to be like. UI’s Library has a website that includes PDFs of printed issues of The Argonaut. Anyone can look through these at any time.
Here are some hand-picked articles from various points in The Argonaut’s history. Click here to see all of the other articles in this series.
May 5, 1908
As the 2020-2021 ASUI President Lauren Carlson recently told The Argonaut, many think that student government does not impact the student body that much but that is not true. This 1908 article showcases how the ASUI executive committee revised their constitution in order to allow various departments to determine their own rules to govern their organization after they are approved by the committee.
May 8, 1925
Similar to this series, this article showcases events that happened that day 10 years ago. It is just as interesting to look back on events in the past back then as it is now.
May 2, 1939
20 UI school of mines students traveled to inspect mines from Idaho to Montana for two weeks. This was an annual trip at the time for the school of mines for undergraduate and graduate students.
May 8, 1942
Four pledges were initiated into Kappa Phi according to this 1942 article. The Greek community at UI makes up about 20 percent of the student population at UI. Could you imagine an article in The Argonaut listing the names of every pledge for every sorority and fraternity house on campus?
May 10, 1985
This one is not an article but an advertisement. This advertisement is for an Arby’s meal for $2.49. Could you imagine paying that little for a meal right now from Arby’s? And this was only 35 years ago.
May 6, 2003
The Moscow Renaissance Fair would have been this past weekend but because of COVID-19 concerns, the event did not occur. Those who wish they could have gone can relive the 2003 Ren Fair with this article in the meantime.
May 4, 2015
April 29 is Denim Day, which spreads awareness and starts discussions on the causes of sexual assault. Denim Day began in 1978 as a protest against an Italian court ruling that allowed a sexual assault victim’s perpetrator to avoid a jail sentence because of the victim’s clothing. Claiming that because the victim’s jeans were too tight, and therefore consent was needed. From that day, annually jeans are worn in protest and spreading awareness regarding sexual assault.
Nicole Hindberg can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @HindbergNicole.