Moscow area COVID-19 donation drives

Opportunities to help Idahoans near and far

coronavirus update medical bag

We have compiled a list of organizations currently welcoming donations and volunteers to aid those affected by COVID-19. Local organizations are listed first. State and national organizations are listed last.

If you have suggestions for donation drives to add to this list, please email us at

Gritman Medical Center

Gritman is currently accepting donations of N95 masks, surgical masks, gowns, goggles, face shields and sewn cloth masks. Patterns for the cloth masks Gritman is requesting are available here. Cyndi Knudtson, director of materials management for Gritman, can share further information on what can be accepted. She can be reached at or 208-883-2230.

Idaho WWAMI Medical Education Program

WWAMI students are organizing a personal protective equipment drive to aid local hospitals and first responders. The drive accepts unused disinfectant sprays and wipes, respirator masks, non-cloth surgical masks, sterile and non-sterile gloves, clear face shields, disposable gowns, PAPR respirators and hand sanitizer. The donation form can be found here. For questions, email

University of Idaho College of Engineering

Volunteers with access to a 3D printer and the relevant supplies can provide materials to support projects through the UI College of Engineering. As of now, teams are working to create respirator masks, face shields and ultraviolet C light mask cleaners. Downloads and details for how to create the parts can be found here. For questions, email

University of Idaho Alumni Association

The Alumni Association has teamed up with the VandalStore to invite volunteers to make masks. Masks mailed to the Alumni Association will be distributed to UI students in August. Vandal-themed fabric at the VandalStore has been marked half-off to help the endeavor.

Masks can be mailed to:
Office of Alumni Relations
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 3232
Moscow, ID 83844-3232.

Idaho Community Foundation

ICF has partnered with United Ways in Idaho and Idaho Nonprofit Center to provide grants to organizations supporting low-income Idahoans. People can choose between donating statewide or to specific regions of Idaho. This drive primarily accepts cash donations, but other types of donations may be accepted. Donations can be accepted here. For information on what other forms of donations can be accepted, email

Idaho Office of Emergency Management

IOEM is hosting a donation drive and opportunities to volunteer or sell goods and services. IOEM is accepting masks, gowns, gloves, hand sanitizer and boot or shoe covers. Volunteer opportunities are available in healthcare, transportation, delivery, administration, heavy lifting, outreach, childcare, pet care and teaching. The form to donate or sell goods and services is available here. The volunteer application is available here.

Idaho PPE Exchange

Idaho PPE Exchange focuses on connecting PPE suppliers with buyers. Suppliers can donate or charge for items and prices can be negotiated. The supplier registration form is available here. For questions, email

The Idaho Food Bank

IFB is accepting cash donations, food donations and personal care items as well as mask donations for its volunteers. IFB also offers volunteer opportunities. The group’s most needed items and item donation details can be found here. The cash donation form can be found here. Further details about volunteering can be found here.

American Red Cross

Blood drives through ARC will be available at the Moscow Best Western Plus University Inn on May 8 and 26. Eligibility requirements, information on the donation process, a guide on how to host a blood drive and more can be found at the ARC website. Information on volunteer opportunities are available here.

Lex Miller can be reached at

About the Author

Lex Miller I am a journalism major graduating spring 2022. I am the 2020-21 news editor. I write for as many sections as I can and take photos for The Argonaut.

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