Vandal Gem Auditions still underway

Whatever challenges COVID-19 throws won’t stop the Vandal spirit

It is time for auditions, and Vandal Gem and the Vandal Spirit Squad will not be stopped by challenges COVID-19 throws. Auditions will go on safely. This year, Vandal Gem auditions will happen differently than in past years. First-round video auditions are moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This is a new and exciting way for us to be able to evaluate potential members for the upcoming season,” Vandal Gem Coach Katie Doman said.

Because of the shutdown, future Vandal Gem members may not be able to try out in person, but they will be able to show their potential digitally.

Video tryouts can come with advantages and disadvantages.

“As we have moved to virtual tryouts and auditions, we have seen the pros and cons of this new process,” Doman said. “One advantage is we can see the person’s ability to learn material online.”

Vandal Gem will send materials to all members for the upcoming season. It is the member’s responsibility to learn routines over the summer.

“A challenge we know we will be facing is the ability to see the participant’s personality and charisma,” Doman said. “It is not always easy to see these through a tryout or audition video.”

Applications are due April 29 at 11:59 p.m. and first-round videos are due May 3 at 11:59 p.m.

Auditions require a short introduction and what being a part of the Vandal Spirit Squad means, dance forms and chants.

Requirements for the first-round audition are found at

No equipment is required in these auditions.

“In relation to our program, we want everyone to follow the appropriate guidelines—stay home as much as possible and practice proper social distancing,” Doman said. “We do not want anyone to break these to film their video when they are trying out or auditioning.”

Helpful videos will be posted to @Idaho_spirit and will have a series called Sideline Sunday teaching a Vandal Spirit Squad routine.

The auditions will be judged by a panel made up of staff, faculty and Spirit Squad alumni consisting of six to eight judges.

“The Spirit Squad program provides a unique experience for students,” Doman said. “They get to live a similar lifestyle to athletes on campus as we attend home games, travel to select away games and travel to post-season tournaments.”

People should try out for Vandal Gem because they not only join the team they become apart of the family, Doman said.

“While the Spirit Squad is the connection between fans and UI athletic teams, we also get to show off our talents and skills in front of thousands of people,” Doman said.

Doman’s advice for auditions is to be bold, sharp and confident.

“The more fun and confident a participant looks, the better,” Doman said. “The judging panel always wants to see the best version of one’s self.”

Vandal Gem does their best to prepare those for cheer and dance professionally by providing similar styles to NBA and NFL cheer and dance teams. Doman’s goal is to keep working hard and building their programs. She wants the team to compete in the USA nationals in Anaheim in February 2021.

Emily Pearce can be reached at or on Twitter @Emily_A_Pearce.

About the Author

Emily Pearce I'm a psychology and communications major graduating in spring 2022. Read my stories in LIFE, News and Opinion at The Argonaut.

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