ASUI will hold elections via email Monday through Wednesday. Students can vote starting 8 a.m. today and run until 5 p.m. Wednesday.
Students will receive ballots through their University of Idaho email account. They can vote for candidates through any mobile device, computer, tablet, or electronic device.
“Both the President and Vice President candidates are running unopposed, and there are 10 candidates running for senate positions while only 8 positions are currently available,” Elections Coordinator Rylie Gunderson said.
Lauren Carlsen is running for President, Joe Garret is running for Vice-President. And Senate candidates include Jackie Uhling, Savannah Stroebel, Ezmeralda Guillen, Wil Jansen Van Beek, Mark Currier, Emily Corisis, Hunter Gust, Katelyn Hettinga, Dylanie Frazier and Michael Carberry.
Brandon Roberts can be reached at [email protected]