COVID-19: Idaho’s confirmed cases (outdated)

Coronavirus Cases


The most recent page can be viewed here.

To help readers stay informed The Argonaut has created a comprehensive page to keep you updated on confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Idaho.

We’ll be keeping track of the cases based on county of origin in this post. The list is in alphabetical order and the date of announcement will be noted. We’ll also update with COVID-19 testing numbers around the state.

We’ve changed the format of our reporting going forward because of the large number of daily case reports. For detailed information on COVID-19 cases and deaths prior to April 3, view our retired cases page.

To view our cases page in Spanish click here. (Para nuestra página de casos en español, haga clic aquí.)

Ada | Adams | Bannock | Bear Lake | Benewah | Bingham | Blaine | Boise | Bonner | Bonneville | Boundary | Camas | Canyon | Caribou | Cassia | Clark | Clearwater | Custer | Elmore| Franklin | Fremont | Gem | Gooding | Idaho | Jefferson | Jerome | Kootenai | Latah | Lincoln | Madison | Minidoka | Nez Perce | Oneida | Owyhee | Payette | Power | Shoshone | Teton | Twin Falls | Valley | Washington

Current and probable cases in Idaho: 22,315

Current cases in Idaho: 20,887*

Asymptomatic cases in Idaho: 1,448

Current deaths in Idaho: 201

Current and probable deaths in Idaho: 208

Cases tested in Idaho: 190,520

Cases hospitalized: 906 (260 in ICU)

Cases recovered: 7,875

Cases among health care workers: 1,311

*There are 18 confirmed cases in Idaho from undetermined counties. 18 of these cases are from Panhandle Health District.

*This page will be updated as more information becomes available. For more information on coronavirus coverage visit our websiteIf you have any questions or information please email or send it in via our anonymous tipline.

We report total COVID-19 case numbers based on the numbers listed on each public health district website. Eastern Idaho Public Health and Southeastern Idaho Public Health are the only two out of seven districts which update case numbers on weekends. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare reported 559 new cases today. All seven public health districts reported 670 new cases today. For more information on how we report our numbers, please read this editorial.

(This page has been updated as of 6:09 p.m. Aug. 4)

Cases by gender:

Female 11,430 | Male 10,751 | Unspecified 143

Cases by age:

Under 18: 1,951 | 18 – 29 years old: 6,818 | 30 – 39 years old: 3,851 | 40 – 49 years old: 3,351 | 50 – 59 years old: 2,764 | 60 – 69 years old: 1,732 | 70 – 79 years old: 1,015 | 80 – 89 years old: 543 | 90 – 99 years old: 179 | 100+ years old: 8 | Unspecified: 22

Cases by race:

White: 72.86% | Other race: 17.35% | Multiple Race: 5.38% | Black or African American: 1.74% | Asian: 1.21% | American Indian or Alaska Native: 1.01% | Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 0.45%

*Race is known in 14,517 out of 22,315 cases in Idaho

Cases by ethnicity:

Not Hispanic: 65.85% | Hispanic: 33.91%

*Ethnicity is known in 11,431 out of 22,315 cases in Idaho

Latah County

Cases in Latah County: 83

*There are eight additional “probable” cases reported in Latah County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Latah County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 April 1, according to North Central Health District (NCPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with NCPH serving; Clearwater County, Idaho County, Latah County, Lewis County and Nez Perce County.

Latah County is located in northern Idaho, with its largest city being Moscow.

Latah County confirmed community spread July 1.

Ada County

Cases in Ada County: 7,780

*There are 487 additional “probable” cases reported in Ada County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Ada County: 63

*There are seven additional “probable” deaths in Ada County.

Ada County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 13, according to Central District Health (CDH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with CDH serving; Ada County, Boise County, Elmore County and Valley County.

Ada County is located in southwestern Idaho, with its largest city being Boise.

Ada County confirmed community spread March 24.

Adams County

Cases in Adams County: 17

*There is one additional “probable” case reported in Adams County that is not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Adams County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 31, according to Southwest District Health (SWDH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SWDH serving; Adams County, Canyon County, Gem County, Owyhee County, Payette County and Washington County.

Adams County is located in southwestern Idaho, with its largest city being Council.

Bannock County

Cases in Bannock County: 347

*There are 35 additional “probable” cases reported in Bannock County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Bannock County: 2

Bannock County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 23, according to Southeastern Idaho Public Health (SIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SIPH serving; Bannock County, Bear Lake County, Bingham County, Butte County, Caribou County, Franklin County, Power County and Oneida County.

Bannock County is located in southeastern Idaho, with its largest city being Pocatello.

Bear Lake County

Cases in Bear Lake County: 13

Bear Lake County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 June 29, according to Southeastern Idaho Public Health (SIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SIPH serving; Bannock County, Bear Lake County, Bingham County, Butte County, Caribou County, Franklin County, Power County and Oneida County.

Bear Lake County is located in southeastern Idaho, with its largest city being Montpelier.

Benewah County

Cases in Benewah County: 48

Benewah County confirmed its first case on May 23, according to the Panhandle Health District. Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with PHD serving; Benewah County, Bonner County, Boundary County, Kootenai County and Shoshone County.

Benewah County is located in northwest Idaho, with its largest city being St. Maries.

Bingham County

Cases in Bingham County: 240

*There are 14 additional “probable” cases reported in Bingham County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Bingham County: 2

Bingham County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 20, according to Southeastern Idaho Public Health (SIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SIPH serving; Bannock County, Bear Lake County, Bingham County, Butte County, Caribou County, Franklin County, Power County and Oneida County.

Bingham County is located in southeastern Idaho, with its largest city being Blackfoot.

Bingham County confirmed community spread April 1.

Blaine County

Cases in Blaine County: 556

*There are 15 additional “probable” cases reported in Blaine County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Blaine County: 6

Blaine County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 14, according to South Central Public Health District (SCPHD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SCPHD serving; Blaine County, Camas County, Cassia County, Gooding County, Jerome County, Lincoln County, Minidoka County and Twin Falls County.

Blaine County is located in south central Idaho, with its largest city being Hailey.

Blaine County confirmed community spread March 18.

Boise County

Cases in Boise County: 32

*There are nine additional “probable” cases reported in Boise County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Boise County: 1

Boise County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 June 25, according to Central District Health (CDH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with CDH serving; Ada County, Boise County, Elmore County and Valley County.

Boise County is located in western Idaho, with its largest city being Horseshoe Bend.

Bonner County

Cases in Bonner County: 154

Bonner County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 14, according to Panhandle Health District (PHD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with PHD serving; Benewah County, Bonner County, Boundary County, Kootenai County and Shoshone County.

Bonner County is located in northern Idaho, with its largest city being Sandpoint.

Bonneville County

Cases in Bonneville County: 629

*There are 177 additional “probable” cases reported in Bonneville County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Bonneville County: 2

Bonneville County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 27, according to Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with EIPH serving; Bonneville County, Clark County, Custer County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lemhi County, Madison County and Teton County.

Bonneville County is located in eastern Idaho, with its largest city being Idaho Falls.

Bonneville County confirmed community spread April 2.

Boundary County

Cases in Boundary County: 35

Boundary County confirmed its first case on June 26, according to the Panhandle Health District. Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with PHD serving; Benewah County, Bonner County, Boundary County, Kootenai County and Shoshone County.

Boundary County is located in northwest Idaho, with its largest city being Bonners Ferry.

Camas County

Cases in Camas County: 1

Camas County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 31, according to South Central Public Health District (SCPHD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SCPHD serving; Blaine County, Camas County, Cassia County, Gooding County, Jerome County, Lincoln County, Minidoka County and Twin Falls County.

Camas County is located in south central Idaho, with its largest city being Fairfield.

Canyon County

Cases in Canyon County: 4,904

*There are 207 additional “probable” cases reported in Canyon County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Canyon County: 37

Canyon County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 20, according to Southwest District Health (SWDH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SWDH serving; Adams County, Canyon County, Gem County, Owyhee County, Payette County and Washington County.

Canyon County is located in southwestern Idaho, with its largest city being Nampa.

Canyon County confirmed community spread March 27.

Caribou County

Cases in Caribou County: 28

*There is one additional “probable” case reported in Caribou County that is not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Caribou County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 April 1, according to Southeastern Idaho Public Health (SIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SIPH serving; Bannock County, Bear Lake County, Bingham County, Butte County, Caribou County, Franklin County, Power County and Oneida County.  

Caribou County is located in southeastern Idaho, with its largest city being Soda Springs.

Cassia County

Cases in Cassia County: 446

*There are 48 additional “probable” cases reported in Cassia County that is not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Cassia County: 1

Cassia County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 23, according to South Central Public Health District (SCPHD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SCPHD serving; Blaine County, Camas County, Cassia County, Gooding County, Jerome County, Lincoln County, Minidoka County and Twin Falls County.

Cassia County is located in southern Idaho, with its largest city being Burley.

Cassia County confirmed community spread May 26.

Clark County

Cases in Clark County: 5

Clark County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 July 28, according to Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with EIPH serving; Bonneville County, Clark County, Custer County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lemhi County, Madison County and Teton County.

Clark County is located in eastern Idaho, with its largest city being Debois.

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Clearwater County

Cases in Clearwater County: 14

*There is one additional “probable” case reported in Clearwater County that is not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Clearwater County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 June 26, according to Public Health Idaho North Central District (PH-INCD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with PH-INCD serving; Clearwater County, Idaho County, Latah County, Lewis County and Nez Perce County.

Clearwater County is located in north central Idaho, with its largest city being Orofino.

Clearwater County confirmed community spread July 1.

Custer County

Cases in Custer County: 7

Custer County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 25, according to Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with EIPH serving; Bonneville County, Clark County, Custer County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lemhi County, Madison County and Teton County.

Custer County is located in central Idaho, with its largest city being Challis.

Elmore County

Cases in Elmore County: 194

*There are seven additional “probable” cases reported in Elmore County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Elmore County: 3

Elmore County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 30, according to Central District Health (CDH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with CDH serving; Ada County, Boise County, Elmore County and Valley County.

Elmore County is located in southern Idaho, with its largest city being Mountain Home.

Elmore County confirmed community spread April 1.

Franklin County

Cases in Franklin County: 42

*There are eight additional “probable” cases reported in Franklin County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Franklin County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 May 28, according to Southeastern Idaho Public Health (SIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SIPH serving; Bannock County, Bear Lake County, Bingham County, Butte County, Caribou County, Franklin County, Power County and Oneida County.

Franklin County is located in southeastern Idaho, with its largest city being Preston.

Fremont County

Cases in Fremont County: 55

*There are eight additional “probable” cases reported in Fremont County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Fremont County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 25, according to Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with EIPH serving; Bonneville County, Clark County, Custer County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lemhi County, Madison County and Teton County.

Fremont County is located in eastern Idaho, with its largest city being St. Anthony.

Gem County

Cases in Gem County: 145

*There are 16 additional “probable” cases reported in Gem County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Gem County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 27, according to Southwest District Health (SWDH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SWDH serving; Adams County, Canyon County, Gem County, Owyhee County, Payette County and Washington County.

Gem County is located in western Idaho, with its largest city being St. Emmett.

Gem County confirmed community spread April 1.

Gooding County

Cases in Gooding County: 129

*There are 15 additional “probable” cases reported in Gooding County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Gooding County: 1

Gooding County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 April 1, according to South Central Public Health District (SCPHD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SCPHD serving; Blaine County, Camas County, Cassia County, Gooding County, Jerome County, Lincoln County, Minidoka County and Twin Falls County.

Gooding County is located in southern Idaho, with its largest city being Gooding.

Idaho County

Cases in Idaho County: 29

Idaho County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 25, according to Public Health Idaho North Central District (PH-INCD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with PH-INCD serving; Clearwater County, Idaho County, Latah County, Lewis County and Nez Perce County.

Idaho County is located in north central Idaho, with its largest city being Grangeville.

Idaho County confirmed community spread July 1.

Jefferson County

Cases in Jefferson County: 123

*There are 28 additional “probable” cases reported in Jefferson County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Jefferson County: 1

Jefferson County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 24, according to Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with EIPH serving; Bonneville County, Clark County, Custer County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lemhi County, Madison County and Teton County.

Jefferson County is located in eastern Idaho, with its largest city being Rigby.

Jefferson County confirmed community spread.

Jerome County

Cases in Jerome County: 389

*There are 50 additional “probable” cases reported in Jerome County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Jerome County: 6

Jerome County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 30, according to South Central Public Health District (SCPHD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SCPHD serving; Blaine County, Camas County, Cassia County, Gooding County, Jerome County, Lincoln County, Minidoka County and Twin Falls County.

Jerome County is located in southern Idaho, with its largest city being Jerome.

Kootenai County

Cases in Kootenai County: 1,627

*There are three additional “probable” cases reported in Kootenai County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Kootenai County: 13

Kootenai County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 19, according to Panhandle Health District (PHD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with PHD serving; Benewah County, Bonner County, Boundary County, Kootenai County and Shoshone County.

Kootenai County is located in northern Idaho, with its largest city being Coeur d’Alene.

Kootenai County confirmed community spread March 25.

Lemhi County

Cases in Lemhi County: 12

*There is one additional “probable” case reported in Lemhi County that is not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Lemhi County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 April 24, according to Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with EIPH serving; Bonneville County, Clark County, Custer County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lemhi County, Madison County and Teton County.

Lemhi County is located in eastern Idaho, with its largest city being Salmon.

Lincoln County

Cases in Lincoln County: 47

*There are six additional “probable” cases reported in Lincoln County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Lincoln County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 27, according to South Central Public Health District (SCPHD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SCPHD serving; Blaine County, Camas County, Cassia County, Gooding County, Jerome County, Lincoln County, Minidoka County and Twin Falls County.

Lincoln County is located in south central Idaho, with its largest city being Shoshone.

Madison County

Cases in Madison County: 107

*There are 29 additional “probable” cases reported in Madison County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Madison County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 17, according to Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with EIPH serving; Bonneville County, Clark County, Custer County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lemhi County, Madison County and Teton County.

Madison County is located in eastern Idaho, with its largest city being Idaho Falls.

Madison County confirmed community spread March 30.

Minidoka County

Cases in Minidoka County: 420

*There are 32 additional “probable” cases reported in Minidoka County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Minidoka County: 2

Minidoka County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 30, according to South Central Public Health. Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SCPHD serving; Blaine County, Camas County, Cassia County, Gooding County, Jerome County, Lincoln County, Minidoka County and Twin Falls County.

Minidoka is located in southeastern Idaho, with its largest city being Rupert.

Nez Perce county under a heartbeat line.

Nez Perce County

Cases in Nez Perce County: 121

*There are 15 additional “probable” cases reported in Nez Perce County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Nez Perce County: 19

Nez Perce County confirmed the first COVID-19 death March 27, according to Idaho North Central District. Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with NCPH serving; Clearwater County, Idaho County, Latah County, Lewis County and Nez Perce County.

Nez Perce County is located in northern Idaho, with its largest city being Lewiston.

Nez Perce County confirmed community spread July 1.

Oneida County

Cases in Oneida County: 10

*There are three additional “probable” cases reported in Oneida County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Oneida County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 June 29, according to Southeastern Idaho Public Health (SIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SIPH serving; Bannock County, Bear Lake County, Bingham County, Butte County, Caribou County, Franklin County, Power County and Oneida County.

Oneida County is located in southeastern Idaho, with its largest city being Utica.

Owyhee County

Cases in Owyhee County: 221

*There are 18 additional “probable” cases reported in Owyhee County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Owyhee County: 2

Owyhee County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 29, according to Southwest District Health. Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SWDH serving; Adams County, Canyon County, Gem County, Owyhee County, Payette County and Washington County.

Owyhee County is located in southwestern Idaho, with its largest city being Homedale.

Payette County

Cases in Payette County: 319

*There are 29 additional “probable” cases reported in Payette County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Payette County: 2

Payette County confirmed their first case of COVID-19 March 23, according to Southwest Public Health. Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SWDH serving; Adams County, Canyon County, Gem County, Owyhee County, Payette County and Washington County.

Payette County is located in western Idaho, with its largest city being Payette.

Payette County confirmed community spread of COVID-19 April 6.

Power County

Cases in Power County: 53

*There are three additional “probable” cases reported in Power County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Power County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 April 6, according to Southeastern Idaho Public Health (SIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SIPH serving; Bannock County, Bear Lake County, Bingham County, Butte County, Caribou County, Franklin County, Power County and Oneida County.

Power County is located in southeastern Idaho, with its largest city being American Falls.

Shoshone County

Cases in Shoshone County: 73

Deaths in Shoshone County: 2

Shoshone County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 July 3, according to Panhandle Health District (PHD). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with PHD serving; Benewah County, Bonner County, Boundary County, Kootenai County and Shoshone County.

Shoshone County is located in northern Idaho, with its largest city being Kellogg.

Teton County

Cases in Teton County: 57

*There are 11 additional “probable” cases reported in Teton County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Teton County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 14, according to Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with EIPH serving; Bonneville County, Clark County, Custer County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lemhi County, Madison County and Teton County.

Teton County is located in southeastern Idaho, with its largest city being Victor.

Teton County confirmed community spread April 1.

Twin Falls County

Cases in Twin Falls County: 1,128

*There are 127 additional “probable” cases reported in Twin Falls County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Twin Falls County: 32

Twin Falls County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 18, according to South Central Public Health. Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SCPHD serving; Blaine County, Camas County, Cassia County, Gooding County, Jerome County, Lincoln County, Minidoka County and Twin Falls County.

Twin Falls is located in southern Idaho, with its largest city being Twin Falls.

Twin Falls County confirmed community spread of COVID-19 April 2.

Twin Falls County confirmed the first COVID-19 death April 3.

Valley County

Cases in Valley County: 48

*There are three additional “probable” cases reported in Valley County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Valley County: 1

Valley County confirmed its first case of COVID-19 March 22, according to Central District Health (CDH). Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with CDH serving; Ada County, Boise County, Elmore County and Valley County.

Valley County is located in central Idaho, with its largest city being McCall.

Washington County

Cases in Washington County: 181

*There are 13 additional “probable” cases reported in Washington County that are not included in the total above. Probable cases are people who are suspected to have COVID-19 but do not have lab confirmation.

Deaths in Washington County: 3

Washington County confirmed their first case of COVID-19 April 2, according to Southwest Public Health. Every county throughout Idaho is under a health district with SWDH serving; Adams County, Canyon County, Gem County, Owyhee County, Payette County and Washington County.

Washington County is located in southwestern Idaho, with its largest city being Weiser.

This page is updated constantly by Lex Miller and Angela Palermo.

Additional writers who have contributed to this report; Alex Brizee, Kali Nelson, Brianna Finnegan, Ellen Dennis, Mariah Wood, Sam Bruce, Zack Kellogg and Emily Pearce.

Graphics were created by Riley Helal and Alex Brizee.

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