Top female empowerment songs

My top music choices released in 2020 that celebrate women

Riley Helal | Argonaut

Music is a great way to empower everyone and these hand-picked songs will make any woman feel powerful. These are my top 10 songs for female empowerment released within the last few months.

10. “You Should be Sad” by Halsey

For me, empowering music is typically more upbeat and makes me want to dance. This is why I put this song at number 10. Despite being slower, the lyrics are empowering to women who know what it’s like to be in a toxic relationship. Halsey focuses on leaving the relationship and finally realizes how bad it was for her. Leaving a situation that is toxic or wrong for a life that is the best for you is one of the most empowering things anyone can do.

9. “Look at Her Now” by Selena Gomez

Again, this isn’t the most upbeat song in the world, but it makes me feel confident when I listen to it. The song focuses on a woman post break up and compares feelings in each stage of the relationship. What I love about this song is one of the lines in the chorus. It explains how even though she’s not perfect, she’s a powerful woman and a human being who makes mistakes. This is a message I think all women need to hear.

8. “Buy my Own Drinks” by Runaway June

I know country music isn’t a lot of people’s cup of tea, and it isn’t typically mine. However, this song can make every woman feel confident. The song breaks down stereotypes and gender roles in a relationship by putting on display how ridiculous they are.

7. “The Man” by Taylor Swift

The song describes what she would be like as a man to display female hardships. Even though song concepts like this have been done before, like “If I Were a Boy” by Beyoncé, this is still a great song. However, it’s not the best version of this song concept which is why it’s lower on the list. She puts on display the feelings women have in situations when they feel like things would be easier for them in the workplace if they were a man. It highlights the way women aren’t seen the same as men in leadership positions.

6. “Birthday” by Anne-Marie

This upbeat song focuses on being with friends and living your best life, which is advice that all women can take right now. Life is too short to not live your best life. So, listen to this song for inspiration to do so.

5. “Kings and Queens” by Ava Max

This upbeat song focuses on being your own savior rather than relying on someone else. In an MTV News article, Max said, “It’s really just about if queens ruled the world, the whole world would be a better place.” I think that quote explains itself, regarding women’s empowerment.

4. “Swan Song” by Dua Lipa

The lyrics and overall feel of this song are enough to make me feel empowered and confident. Empowerment means different things to different people, but feeling confident in ourselves is just one aspect of it. On her Twitter she has discussed the different activist groups that are part of

the inspiration of this song. The song represents fighting for lives of marginalized people including those who are HIV positive.

3. “Mother’s Daughter” by Miley Cyrus

From the music video to the lyrics, this song is clearly important for women’s rights and empowering women. The confidence from the lyrics can be felt when you’re singing along. The music video put on display different woman and how they’re all worthy and nobody can tell them otherwise.

2.“Time Machine” by Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys is one of my favorite singers at the moment. This song is one of the singles that will be a part of her album coming out later this year. What I love about this song is how unique the sound is. I also like the lyrics’ focus on how you can’t go back and change the past, but there’s still beauty in everything. This is something everyone should consider if they’re obsessing over past mistakes.

1. “Good as Hell” by Lizzo

Like countless other people, I always feel empowered listening to Lizzo, but this song is relatable to anyone in any circumstance. Feeling on top and feeling your best is something all women should experience. It makes you want to dance, and her confidence is transferred to you when singing along to her music just like Cyrus’s song.

Nicole Hindberg can be reached at or on Twitter @HindbergNicole.

About the Author

Nicole Hindberg I am a journalism major graduating in fall 2020. I write for LIFE and Opinion for The Argonaut.

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