Have you finished all your shows and looking for something new? Check out our top 10 picks on Hulu.
1. “Broad City”
Follow two young women living in New York as they navigate life in the big apple.
2. “Golden Girls”
Betty White is in it, need we say more? “Golden Girls” is a witty look at the lives of four older women as they live together and navigate life together.
3. “Brooklynn 99”
A cop show that isn’t all doom and gloom. “Brooklyn 99” is a comedy to bring a brightside to practicing social distancing.
4. “Wu-Tang: An American Saga”
A documentary for you—follow the story of the Wu-Tang Clan and their music.
5. “Shrill”
Described online as a TV show about a struggling young journalist determined to change her life.
6. “Amelie”
A classic French feel good movie about a woman who gets to plan the lives of the people around her.
7. “The Venture Brothers”
“The Venture Brothers”, an animated sitcom about two brothers who go on wild adventures and die, a lot. Witty jokes and innuendos, this is not a show for your childhood.
8. “Making it”
A fun show to bring out your inner crafter. Hosted by Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman, it brings a variety of people together to highlight the differences in crafty people and the things they can make.
9. “Chopping Block”
A cooking show revolving around a basket, with a variety of ingredients ranging from durian to chicken in a can. Watch chefs attempt, and sometimes succeed, at creating a dish with all the ingredients in the basket.
10. “Cutthroat Kitchen”
Another cooking show, this time using money to buy the object which hinders your opponent. The best part? The judge doesn’t know what the contestants do to each other.
Want more to watch? Click here on Amazon Prime or Netflix for more.
Kali Nelson can be reached at arg-life@uidaho.edu.