Events canceled due to coronavirus

This is a constantly updated list of events canceled throughout UI and Moscow

coronavirus update with people

Is your event not on this list? Email us at to let us know.

(This page has been updated as of 7:15 p.m. March 17)

Parent and Family Weekend

According to a Facebook post, the University of Idaho Student Alumni Relations Board (SArb) has canceled the Spring Parent and Family Weekend.  

“We understand this may be disappointing, but the safety and health of the Vandal Family is our top priority. If you paid an event registration or other fee, it will be refunded within the next few weeks,” Marie Duncan, associate director of alumni events said in the post.  

Duncan said parents and family are welcome to come to the next Parent and Family Weekend in November. 

Moscow Farmer’s Market

Moscow Farmer’s Market will not open for the first weekend of May, Jen Pfiffner, deputy city supervisor, said during the Moscow City Council meeting March 16.

“The market will not happen the first weekend in May, we’re hoping for the second weekend in May,” Pfiffner said. “Again, we’ll continue to evaluate all these things, week to week, day to day, really, to see if any changes could be made or if those need to extend, unfortunately.”

Hemp Fest | Moscow Renaissance Fair

During the March 16 City Council meeting it was announced Hemp Fest and Moscow’s Renaissance Fair will be canceled due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Jen Pfiffner, deputy city supervisor, said.

This decision came with the cities resolution to pass for Continuation of Mayoral Local Emergency Proclamation which will stay in effect until May 5.

ICYM: City of Moscow joins Idaho in declaring a state of emergency

“Ever since I’ve been the mayor I’ve loved lots and lots of activities downtown where we all can be down there enjoying our selves. And it’s kind of ironic is that we’re taking the complete opposite approach — which we need to,” Mayor Bill Lambert said during the City Council Meeting. “And ladies and gentlemen I so look forward to the day that we can go back to that, believe me, I’ll be the first one jumping with joy.”

Events over 100 people

In an email sent from President Scott Green and Provost and Executive Vice President John Wiencek Friday evening, the university announced all events with more than 100 planned attendees during the move to online courses will be canceled due to COVID-19 concerns.

UIdaho Bound

The UIdaho Bound event March 28 will be canceled. According to the email the university will offer a virtual experience including online videos and registration appointment opportunities.

“We have virtual options spooling up for families including individualized registration and difference sessions and training,” Assistant Vice Provost of Strategic Enrollment Management, Bobbi Gerry said. “While the physical event is canceled we are going to have a lot of opportunities for them remotely.”

For more information about UIdaho Bound, visit their website.


GradFair was previously set to be held in a modified format Tuesday through Friday this week. But on Monday morning it was decided that because of the recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and UI’s decision to move courses online indefinitely, the event would be postponed to a later date. That later date has not been decided yet.

For more information and updates about GradFair visit UI’s website.

Winter and Spring NCAA Championships

Last week the NCAA announced that all Division 1 men’s and women’s 2020 winter and spring championships are canceled.

“Today, NCAA President Mark Emmert and the Board of Governors canceled the Division I men’s and women’s basketball tournaments, as well as all remaining winter and spring NCAA championships,” a statement from the NCAA said. “This decision is based on the evolving COVID-19 public health threat, our ability to ensure the events do not contribute to spread of the pandemic, and the impracticality of hosting such events at any time during this academic year given ongoing decisions by other entities.” 

To read the full story here.

Idaho Football spring game

As a precautionary measure Vandal Athletics and Idaho Football canceled their annual spring game. To read the full story click here.

Big Sky Conference spring sports seasons

The Big Sky Conference announced the suspension of all spring sports until further notice as a precautionary measure. To read the full story click here.

Vandal Entertainment daytime events

Vandal Entertainment has announced that they will no longer be putting on their daytime events for the foreseeable future due to the fact that many students won’t be on campus anymore due to UI’s switch to online-only courses.

This does not include other events Vandal Entertainment puts on, just the daytime events.

Emily Pearce, Nicole Hindberg and Alex Brizee can be reached at

About the Author

Emily Pearce I'm a psychology and communications major graduating in spring 2022. Read my stories in LIFE, News and Opinion at The Argonaut.

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