UI classes to go online March 23 and 24

Further communication regarding online classes and campus closure will be on March 19

News update

The University of Idaho will move classes online March 23 and 24 — to test UI’s ability to close long-term — due to growing outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) according to an email from Dean of Students Blaine Eckles.

UI has no current plans to close long-term but is making sure the university is capable if needed.

“All other institutional offices, including the Library, ISUB and Campus Recreation, will remain open on these days,” according to the email.

For students who do not have access to a computer, UI will provide Chromebooks or iPads before leaving for spring break.

ICYM: Faculty Senate discusses classes to move online March 23 and 24

The email said the residence halls will remain open during spring break for those who will not be traveling. Greek chapter houses will vary depending on chapter leadership.

UI plans to update students, faculty and staff March 19 with further information on online classes and campus closure.

The Argonaut will continue to cover COVID-19 as more information becomes available. Additional information can be found at uiargonaut.com.

Alex Brizee can be reached at arg-news@uidaho.edu or on Twitter @alex_brizee

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