President of the Palouse Writers Guild, Khaliela Wright, understands the importance of having a writing group that allows for professional development.
Even though there are many writing groups in Moscow, Wright said she felt those groups didn’t give her the connection or the feedback she was looking for in order to progress her writing forward. To try and remedy this, in 2016 Wright decided to bring those groups together to host workshops and bring in a large audience of writers.
“I know there are a ton of writers in the area that would love to have workshop opportunities nearby instead of having to travel to Boise or other places farther away,” Wright said.
Today, the Palouse Writer’s Guild has 258 members. Anyone is welcome to join the group and the membership is free; they just need an email in order to notify members when there are workshops.
“I think part of the reason that we don’t charge (for membership) is that we’re trying to make writing a hobby that’s accessible to everyone,” Wright said.
Wright said many first-time writers may feel excluded from the writing community, because most workshops and conferences are expensive or are in big cities. Those who live in small towns might not be able to travel or afford those things.
Right now the Palouse Writers Guild is holding their first writing contest. The contest is open to everyone, regardless of whether they’re in the group or not.
In order to remain impartial, because members of the group have expressed interest in submitting to the contest, it will be judged by librarians from the Latah County Library District and the Neill Public Library.
To be considered for the contest, two copies of the first chapter of a novel of any genre must be mailed to: PO Box 52, Viola, ID 83872. Submission fees are $10 per entry. Multiple entries can be submitted and must be postmarked by Feb. 15.
1st place is $100, 2nd place is a $50 Book People of Moscow gift card and 3rd place is a $25 Book People of Moscow gift card.
The full contest rules can be found on the Palouse Writer’s Guild website.
Winners for the contest will be announced on June 27 during the Palouse Writer’s Guild’s “Books & Brews” event. On that day there will be a writing workshop in the morning and “Books & Brews” will be held in the evening.
Wright said if a writer wants to get better they have to practice or take a class, and sometimes that might not be an option for everyone.
“Our goal is to really make professional development and access to writing available to as many people as we can so people can improve upon their craft in an accessible and affordable way,” Wright said.
Nicole Hindberg can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @HindbergNicole.