Community calendar: Star Wars trivia, Late Night at the Rec and more

With classes in gear students need an outlet. Here are our picks for events to take your mind off things.

8 p.m. – 9 p.m. Thursday | Star Wars Trivia Night 

ASUI Vandal Lounge inside Idaho Student Union Building, University of Idaho

Vandal Entertainment is hosting a Star Wars Trivia Night event. Teams of one to four can participate in the event for the chance to win prizes. The event is free and open to all. 

10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Friday | Therapy Dogs 

ASUI Vandal Lounge inside Idaho Student Union Building, University of Idaho

Palouse Paws therapy dogs will be back on campus this Friday. Anyone can drop in during the session to come de-stress with the dogs. 

7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Friday | Late Night at the Rec: Roller Rink 

Student Recreation Center, University of Idaho 

Vandal Entertainment and Recreation and Wellbeing are hosting a late night at the recreation center. Anyone can come in and grab a pair of skates (or bring their own) during the event. Admission is free with a Vandal Card and $8 for the public. 

9 a.m. – 12 pm. Saturday | Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service 

International Ballroom of the Pitman Center, University of Idaho 

This Saturday hundreds of volunteers will be going out into the community in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior. Volunteering is open to all. For more information email

Nicole Hindberg can be reached at or on Twitter @HindbergNicole. 

About the Author

Nicole Hindberg I am a journalism major graduating in fall 2020. I write for LIFE and Opinion for The Argonaut.

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