Top 10 Episodes of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”

A look back on the show’s best episodes prior to the new season


With season seven of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” set to premiere in February, fans might want to re-watch the series to get caught up with the story.

“The Clone Wars” has some of the best “Star Wars” moments ever. It is packed with action, thrills and answers to questions fans want to know.

With this in mind, here are my picks for the top 10 episodes of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars.” Warning: there are spoilers ahead.

10). “The Hidden Enemy” (season one episode 16)

In this episode, Captain Rex and Commander Cody have to find a traitor in their midst, which is difficult considering the entire army is comprised of clones. Trying to determine who is the traitor and what consequences the traitor brings on the army is a thrill to watch.

9). “Rookies” (season one episode five)

This episode centers around a squad of clones attempting to defend an outpost from invading droids. It’s packed full of action and it gives a human side to the clones. This episode introduces many fan favorite clone characters like Heavy, Fives and Echo.

8). “The Citadel” (season three episode 18)

A Star Wars prison break episode? Count me in! This episode features a
team of Jedi and clone troopers breaking out a captured Jedi and his men from an unbreakable Separatist prison. This episode is incredibly action packed and full of tense moments. You would think a Jedi accompanied by clone troopers would be able to accomplish this mission without any problems, but the twisted warden makes it difficult.

7). “Landing at Point Rain” (season two episode five)

This episode feels like a mixture of the opening scene of “Saving Private Ryan” and the battle scenes from “Hacksaw Ridge.” It’s action packed and brutal. This episode takes fans back to Geonosis, where the locals have started up a droid factory, and the Republic wishes to put a stop to it. The episode is chalked full of amazing action and intense battles that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat.

6). “Orders” (season six episode four)

In this finale of a four-part episode, a clone trooper uncovers a sinister plot involving the clones and the Jedi. The information in this episode is critical to the series, and it feels like a spy thriller. One man knows the truth, but he can’t convince anyone.

5). “Darkness on Umbara” (season four episode seven)

You ever wonder what Space Vietnam would be like? Well this episode will show you. The Republic invades the planet Umbara where the local militia puts up a tough fight. The dark environment and enemy tactics have the clones on edge. To complicate matters, General Anakin Skywalker has to leave his men with Jedi General Pong Krell, who isn’t as kind to the troops and his strategies put them in danger. This episode shows the struggle to maintain loyalty to the commander, but also to the men you are responsible for.

4). “The Lawless” (season five episode 16)

If you watched “Solo,” then you know Darth Maul is alive. However, it was Clone Wars that brought him back first. This episode features Maul and his brother Savage Oppress taking over Mandalore and Obi Wan attempting to save the woman he loves from him. This episode features amazing action and one of the best lightsaber fights in Star Wars.

3). “Ghosts of Mortis” (season three episode 17)

This final installment in a three-part episode series sees Anakin, Obi Wan and Asohka trying to bring balance to the force. Unfortunately, the dark side of the force is very tempting and is fairly good at swaying Anakin. Featuring some amazing imagery and answering questions about the force, it also shows us see why someone would turn to the dark side.

2). “Carnage of Krell” (season four episode 10)

This final installment of the Umbaran arc sees Krell going too far. Captain Rex is pushed to the brink with Krell’s actions and it doesn’t look good. This episode is chalked full of tense moments with amazing action to accompany it. It also shows what happens when men are pushed to the breaking point.

1). “The Wrong Jedi” (season five episode 20)

This season finale features Ahsoka Tano attempting to clear her name,
with the help of Anakin Skywalker. It’s an emotional finale, which has a very unexpected ending. It also shows the dark side of Anakin and shows why the Jedi shouldn’t get attached. It’s one of the best episodes out there.

Ryan Hill can be reached at

About the Author

Ryan Hill Senior at University of Idaho, majoring in History and Broadcast Journalism with a minor in Political Science. I am a writer for the Argonaut as well as a DJ and program director for KUOI.

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