When does the winter holiday season really begin?

November is here, seasonal holidays are near and so is the end of this year


With November quickly coming to an end, the holiday season’s beginning date is controversial. Christmas go-getters begin decorating the first week of November, while other holiday enthusiasts will wait until Thanksgiving has passed.

Being a Halloween fanatic, I am sad to see the spooky season go. Although I enjoy what October has to offer, this doesn’t make me a scrooge. I’m excited to celebrate as the holidays go on — the question is when to start those celebrations.

Emily Pearce | Argonaut

It’s a smudged line where the holidays really begin. Corporations start distributing Halloween gear in early August while Valentines candies seem to come right after New Year’s. But it’s Thanksgiving and Christmas where the matter truly becomes controversial.

Walmart has no wait time when it comes to the holidays, setting out candy canes and decor already.

Other establishments have no chill when it comes to the holiday season as well. Einstein’s discontinued their pumpkin spice latte and Starbucks has already rolled out their six popular holiday drinks.

It makes me wonder, who calls the shots when it comes to deciding when the holiday season begins? Is it Starbucks or Walmart? Who decides when to start beelining toward the tinsel and lights?

Yes, corporations start setting out holiday gear early for monetary purposes and marketing tactics. It is a given businesses are already setting up for holidays to come, as it’s all about profit. That being said, are we at the mercy of these corporations??

It’s as if everyone has an opinion on when to start celebrating the holidays.

Getting older and moving out of my hometown has really changed my perspective on the holiday season. I used to passionately hate Christmas and everything associated with the holiday. My parents’ over-enthusiastic reaction put a damper on the merry season, so much I had to move away to see what the excitement was all about.

Throughout the years, my opinion on when Christmas starts has changed. Younger me would just want to skip the holiday and go straight into the New Year. Now, I don’t mind Christmas stations on the radio right on Nov. 1.

I’ve never been a fan of Thanksgiving. To me, November is just a blur in the calendar. I don’t care when Christmas rears its head — tis the season, enjoy what you want when you want it.

In the end, it is your holiday. Take advantage of the kind kin, seasonal drinks and half-off Halloween candy.

It isn’t just the season that makes the holidays so great. Appreciate what makes you happy, whether its family, friends or cold weather.

Before we know it, the season will fly past us and it will be well into January. Whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah or the Winter Solstice, make time to appreciate the things around you. Drinks at Starbucks never get sweeter.

Emily Pearce can be reached at arg-opinion@uidaho.edu or on Twitter @Emily_A_Pearce

About the Author

Emily Pearce I'm a psychology and communications major graduating in spring 2022. Read my stories in LIFE, News and Opinion at The Argonaut.

1 reply

  1. Richard Venneman

    Great article.

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