Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21:
The time for action is now. If something has been on your mind, or you have been contemplating making a decision, it’s time to do it. Your strong intuition will guide you toward the proper path so trust your gut.
Sagittarius: Nov. 22 to Dec. 21:
Get a handle on your vices. They’re only draining your bank account and well-being. Indulging in vices takes time and energy away from the things that are important in life. Move your energy toward self-sustaining production.
Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19:
Be sturdy in the upcoming weeks. A wave of challenges is drawing near. Be the immovable object in the face of approaching force. Let the world know you are here, and you will not be cast aside easily. Use stubbornness to your advantage.
Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18:
Indulge yourself in a good read or television show. Take a break from the drama of life and focus on a bit of fiction for a moment. Sometimes taking a moment to relax will help you see situations and challenges from a different perspective.
Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20:
Dive deep into the waters of your intuition and feel the currents of life. Swim with the current, not against it. Don’t force yourself to continue situations that don’t help you as an individual. Healthy growth often comes in the form of letting things go.
Aries March 21 to April 19:
Voice your opinion on topics you feel strongly about, but don’t take offense when others see things differently. Open discourse is how problems are solved. Peace comes in the form of compromise.
Taurus April 20 to May 20:
If you see friends or colleagues are congregating at an event or getting together to enjoy an evening, join the herd. You’re a hard worker, and that is good. With too much work, comes burn out. Relax and enjoy yourself every once in a while.
Gemini May 21 to June 21:
Share your experience and thoughts with others but listen well. New ideas that can expand your own can come from the world and people around you. Give them the time to voice their own opinions, it just might change yours.
Cancer June 22 to July 22:
Don’t allow your emotions to bottle up inside of you. It’s good to talk with people about what you’re feeling. Removing the quark will relieve the pressure but know who the proper people to talk to are.
Leo July 23 to Aug. 22:
It’s getting cold, be the warmth in the world that others might need. This comes in the form of kindness, generosity, understanding and patience. Be a light that others look to when their world is dark.
Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22:
Try to look at things from a new perspective. A different angle on a subject is a completely new experience. New experiences help us grow and help the people around us grow in turn. Let go of old habits of thinking.
Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22:
The yin to your yang might be out somewhere in the world, and somewhere it definitely is. Don’t seek the answers to your problems in extraneous sources. There is always a solution contained within.
Sam Bruce can be reached at [email protected]