Input wanted for athletic director position
The University of Idaho has hired Parker Executive Search firm, which specializes in intercollegiate athletics, to lead the search of a permanent athletic director.
Representatives of the firm will be on the Moscow campus to gather input for desired qualities in the future athletic director. Input will be used to help Parker finalize a position description and identify candidates.
Faculty and staff are invited to share their opinions from 9:45 to 10 a.m. Thursday in the Clearwater room of Idaho Commons, with a session focused on student input from 10:30 to 11 a.m.
“For the People Act” writing session
The League of Women voters are holding a postcard and Letter to the Editor writing session in response to the bill H.R. 1 — the For the People Act. The act was passed by the House of Representatives in March and was introduced to the Senate.
If passed, the bill would ensure every eligible citizen is able to register and vote, would take politics out of redistricting and would work to eliminate the effects of big money in elections.
A writing session will take place 12 p.m. Wednesday and again June 12 at the 1912 Center.
Featured Brewery at Moscow Alehouse
Moscow Alehouse will be featuring Montana Brewer — Big Sky Brewing Co. There will be beer lineups, raffle prices and appetizers followed by an open mic.
The event will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Moscow Alehouse.
Arboretum Science Saturday
The University of Idaho Arboretum is offering the sixth season of Science Saturdays in the Arboretum. This week will focus on the amphibians and reptiles that call the Arboretum their home.
The free program will run from 9:45 to 11 a.m. June 8 at the Red Barn in the south end of the Arboretum.
Questions can be sent to
Beekeeping 101
The second annual beekeeping 101 demonstration will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 8 at Spence Hardware. Basic beekeeping information will be covered followed by a question and answer session.
An observation hive will as well as equipment and drawn combs will be on display.
Ellamae Burnell can be reached at or on Twitter @EllamaeBurnell