A ‘bittersweet’ graduation

A first-generation senior at the university of Idaho shares his experiences and what he learned during his time as a student

For one first-generation University of Idaho student, graduation means almost as much to his family as it does to him.

Ismael Casiano is a senior at UI studying psychology and Spanish, which he said opened the door for his younger relatives, showing them that “if you strive for something, you can accomplish whatever you want.”

“I am excited about graduation,” Casiano said. “Being a first-generation college student and a first-generation graduate brings such a joy to me, especially my nephews because they are like ‘Oh I want to go to U of I when I come here.’”

Casiano said encouraging others in his family to strive for higher education has been one of the most important parts of his graduation.

In his five years at the UI, he said one of the toughest aspects of school has been being away from his family.

Ismael Casiano | Courtesy


Casiano said his hometown of Paul, Idaho, is eight hours away from the UI, making it difficult for him to come home as often as he would like.

Casiano said this distance has meant not talking to his mother as much as he would have liked and missing birthdays and baby showers. Casiano said what helped him the most with this distance was creating a new family at the UI.

Casiano said he is currently a member of the Omega Delta Phi multicultural fraternity, giving him a ‘brotherhood’ to rely on.

Casiano said being involved with the fraternity has allowed him to get out of his comfort zone, learn new things, and have individuals there when he needs them the most.

“It is important to me because of the brotherhood aspect,” Casiano Said. “Coming into college I didn’t have any family members, I just had my friends so that extra help you need, that buddy or someone you can turn to during a tough time, even financially, has helped me.”

Casiano said to him, one of the experiences he valued the most at his time at the UI were the intramural sports his fraternity organizes.

Casiano said playing intramural soccer and football allows him to take a much-needed break from the stress of school.

“Those moments were where I was the happiest because I am not thinking about school or work, I am thinking about alright let’s play, and that’s what I like to do so that’s probably my favorite,” Casiano said.

Victor Canales-Gamiño, who has served as an advisor and mentor to Casiano, said Casiano’s graduation is “bittersweet”.

“His graduation is a bittersweet moment for me because I am sad that he is leaving but I am excited for what his future will be,” Canales-Gamiño said. “I think his brothers from Omega Delta Phi Fraternity will miss him, as he was a great leader within his fraternity.”

Canales-Gamiño said Casiano’s work ethic in his studies, his outgoing personality and his ability to share his opinion are just some of the reasons he will miss Casiano.

In offering advice to future students, Casiano said he would encourage them to join as many clubs and organizations as possible.

Casiano said he regretted not joining as many organizations as a freshman and wishes he would have pushed himself to join more because of the connections he could have made.

Casiano said most of all he wanted to encourage students to meet people.

“Just try to meet as many people as you can, ‘cause you never know when they can help you or you can help them,” Casiano said. “Make a really good bond with your teachers because, at the end of the day, they are the ones who can help you, they are the ones who can recommend you to a company, they are the ones with a recommendation letter.”

Cody Allred can be reached at arg-news@uidaho.edu or on Twitter @CodyLAllred

1 reply

  1. Nevaeh

    That is my teacher

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