For nine long years, we’ve heard the mantra repeated over and over again.
Winter is coming.
Ned told us from the confines of Winterfell. And Sunday, we finally saw winter come to an end.
“The Long Night,” the third episode in “Game of Thrones’” final season, gave longtime fans of the series everything they could have dreamed of in the semi-conclusion of a massive storyline.
In the opening minutes, we see many sights while hearing little to nothing. The pure silence of the main characters as they rush to prepare for a literal zombie apocalypse is a bone-chilling television experience that even non-fans can appreciate.

Khaleesi Hill | Argonaut
If nothing else, “The Long Night” showcased the massive budget “Game of Thrones” has accrued.
With characters thrashing in the snow with mud- and blood-spattered faces, the panic and fear of real-life battle comes through. The swirling blizzard obstructs almost all vision, which might ruin the incredible action for some. But while our beloved characters are in the fight of their lives on the front lines, we really see the beauty of “Thrones” shine through. When Edd takes a knife through the face seconds after saving Sam’s life, my heart broke for a character I had little love for previously. And watching Lyanna Mormont sacrifice herself for the greater good while being crushed in a giant’s grip was the ultimate badass move, proving her short character arch was one of the most pleasant surprises in the show.
But the real star of the show came in at the buzzer.Literally. Arya, in true Michael Jordan fashion, pulled a full free-throw line leap toward the series’ main villain. What remains to be seen is how the show resolves the rest of its major plot points in a matter of three episodes. The epic yet lightning-fast conclusion of the White Walker saga, while blowing my mind, left me with many questions.
Who was the Night King? What happens now? Who will sit atop the Iron Throne? And with just three episodes left in the entire story, I remain somewhat doubtful we’ll receive the answer to the many questions posed in seasons prior.
Brandon Hill can be reached at or on Twitter @brandonmtnhill