The ASUI Senate unanimously passed a bill amending the rules and regulations to add director of student resources to the ASUI’s President’s Cabinet.
The role will stem from a combination of the Director of Safety and Violence Prevention position with the Director of Health and Wellness. Other proposed changes will alter the titles of director positions.
Bills were also passed to allocate $350 to purchase snacks and drinks for students during finals week, which will be available in the library as well as allocating $250 for the TEDxUIdaho event Saturday.
A resolution recognizing UI President Chuck Staben’s contributions to the University of Idaho was presented by ASUI President Nicole Skinner to be voted on next week. The resolution notes Staben’s advocacy for students and his embodiment of the land grant mission, among other achievements.
Skinner updated the Senate on where excess cabinet funds will go to. Plans for the fund include replacing the printer in the Administration Building, as well as putting a bench near the roundabout for waiting students, a water bottle refilling station in the Wallace Residence Center basement, a bike helmet giveaway for the new bikeshare program and a microwave for the ASUI Student Lounge. Skinner said any leftover funds will be donated to Shriners Children’s Hospital.
Pro-tempore Moulton said that with the Gotcha bike program, there will be a helmet rental program, though students are not required to wear helmets when riding the bikes. Moulton also said she has been working with IT because the printer in the Administration Building was damaged, so funds may not have to come from the cabinet to replace it.
Sen. Sierra Rothermich asked if Skinner would be open to using funds towards scholarship.
Skinner said even if they did not put funds to many of their projects, there would not be enough funds for a substantial scholarship, though she said she loved the idea.
Ellamae Burnell can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @EllamaeBurnell