Senate meeting runs short

Senate to vote on bills next week

ASUI Senators listen to committee reports. Kali Nelson l Argonaut

No unfinished business was presented at the 20-minute ASUI Senate meeting Wednesday, with three bills presented to be voted on at next week’s meeting.

A bill was presented that, if passed, would amend the rules and regulations. If it passes, a director of student resources would be added to the ASUI’s President’s Cabinet. The role will stem from a combination of the Director of Safety and Violence Prevention position with the Director of Health and Wellness. Other proposed changes would alter the titles of director positions.

Sen. Kristen Nesbitt authored a bill that would allocate $350 from the Senate budget to purchase snacks and drinks for students in the library during finals week.

A third bill, also authored by Nesbitt, would allocate $250 from the Senate budget for TedxUIdaho to help cover event costs to help assure that the event will be free for students.

Funds would help cover the cost of printing brochures for the event, which the ASUI logo would be included on.

ASUI President Nicole Skinner was not present. There were no presidential communications.

Ellamae Burnell can be reached at or on Twitter @EllamaeBurnell

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