Finals Fest features new location and genre

The University of Idaho’s annual year-end Finals Fest will get a chance to blow the roof off of the Kibbie Dome this year, as the event will take place inside.

Hagen Hunsaker, the concerts chair for Vandal Entertainment, said he was able to secure the Kibbie Dome for Finals Fest thanks to fortunate timing related to graduation. 

Because the two will be held only a couple weeks apart, Hunsaker said staging and equipment will only need to be moved and reorganized to accommodate each event. 

“I got a bit of a deal to make Finals Fest a little bit cheaper, production-wise,” Hunsaker said. “The setup isn’t going to be exactly the same of course, but we’re doing it in there because we have the option.”

Hagen Hunsaker | Courtesy

The previous location of Finals Fest has, for the past two years, been on the SprinTurf outside of the Kibbie Dome, he said.

Hunsaker said the deal will help Event Support Services and Vandal Entertainment use the space in the most efficient way possible.

For Finals Fest, Hunsaker said the entire floor will open while the bleachers will be closed off.

The stage will be on the west end of the building, facing east, he said. 

“We’re only waiting for one more artist to sign, and then I can start my promotions plan,” Hunsaker said. “We’re doing four acts this year, so it’s a huge process, but I’m hoping we can announce the performers very, very soon.”

Although UI has hosted several hip-hop stars in the past — such as Post Malone and 6LACK — Hunsaker said Finals Fest has moved away from hip-hop this year.

“We’re going in a little bit of a different direction this year,” Hunsaker said. “Our artists are, technically if you look at it, all different genres. So, we really wanted to lean hard into the ‘fest’ part of Finals Fest and switch it up and diversify.”

Stephen Binni, a second-year English student, said he believes hosting Finals Fest in the Kibbie Dome is the right thing to do for student enjoyment.

“Having Finals Fest in the dome is a more attractive option, absolutely,” Binni said. “Especially because it’s a bit cold out in the evening.”

Binni said he agrees with Vandal Entertainment taking a step back from hip-hop and trying other genres.

“I’m not the biggest fan of hip-hop I guess, but I can dig it,” Binni said. “People really like hip-hop and I like a lot of it, but it would be cool if they had more than just one genre. I feel like there should be more variety. My first thought would be rock, but not if it’s just some garage-band.”

The official announcement for the Finals Fest headliner will take place April 11. Hunsaker said students will know further announcement details as the event comes closer.

Andrew Ward can be reached at or on Twitter @WardOfTheWorlds

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