Vandalizing the Kitchen
This month’s free interactive cooking class, Vandalizing the Kitchen, will take place 4 p.m. Thursday in the Student Recreation Center’s Room 103.
All skill levels are invited to participate. The campus dietician, peer health educators and Sustainability Center volunteers will lead the class, with free samples available.
GSSP Presentation
Janine Darragh will be sharing findings from her research “Teaching English Language Learners in the Context of Political Trauma,” at 12:30 p.m. April 2, in the Teaching and Learning Center room 146.
The event is part of the UI Global Student Success Program Spring Lecture Series. Darragh will speak about how the 2017 executive orders that attempted to reduce immigration and refugee resettlement in the U.S. affected teachers.
Etiquette Dinner
University of Idaho Career Services, the School of Family and Consumer Sciences and Vandals Dining will be hosting an etiquette dinner 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 3 in the International Ballroom.
The dinner is a chance for attendees to learn proper dining and business etiquette for professional settings over a multi-course meal. Professional attire is required for the event.
Students can register for the event through Handshake.
Ellamae Burnell can be reached at or on Twitter @EllamaeBurnell