Steel House, the women’s cooperative at the University of Idaho, will be closing its doors after spring graduation due to a continuing decline in residents. Currently just 10 residents are living in the house.
Steel House is named after Ethel K. Steel, a member of the UI Board of Regents from 1933 to 1946. Steel was a leader in a movement to provide cooperative residence halls at the university.
According to the Steel House website, it also served as the most economic living option for women is Moscow.

Freshman Kayla Stenzel reads in her bedroom in Steel House on Greek Row March 4.
Cozy King, a Steel House resident for the past two years, said she choose to live there because it reminded her of her own home, and she knew she could live there without getting to homesick.
“It’s a great place for freshmen to start,” King said. “It’s a great transition between living with parents and living on your own, and a great place to make new friends.”
This will be the second time Steel House has closed. In spring 2007, the director of housing closed Steel House citing the extreme cost of facility renovations. A handful of members at the time found a temporary home for residents in the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity house. In 2012, Steel House moved to its current location on South Blake Avenue.
Sue Nesbitt, the Steel House Board of Directors President, said the board will continue to explore ways to retain cooperative housing options at UI.
“I’ve learned a lot from living there, and I hope that someday Steel House will return because I believe it’s a great asset for new students at the University of Idaho,” she said.
Ellamae Burnell can be reached at or on Twitter @EllamaeBurnell