A little bit of childhood magic

Animated movies are the best kind of films to watch for children and adults

“Coco.” “Shrek.” “A Bug’s Life.” “Toy Story.” “Moana.” “Monster’s Inc.” 

These are just a few of my favorite animated films, and for good reason, too. They make me smile and laugh, teaching me about life and creating unforgettable memories.

People don’t get the same experience from a movie without animation. For example, when Andy leaves Woody and the gang in “Toy Story 3,” the audience has an emotional reaction. It breaks viewers’ hearts and makes children cry — including some adults. But animated movies aren’t always sad. They can have an uplifting quality and make people happy. 

In princess movies, the girl always gets the prince in the end, and they live happily ever after. 

Lindsay Trombly | Argonaut

This gives girls hope that someday, they too will find their prince. 

To this day, those movies still continue to give me that same hope. 

Everyone needs that hope. 

Not only that, these films really affected my childhood development, and they have impacted my day-to-day life. 

At a young age, I consumed animation films left and right. Walt Disney was my everything. 

My childhood bedroom had pink walls, with Disney stuffed animals lining the shelves around the room. Every year for Halloween, I had to be a Disney princess.

But, let’s face it, what child was not obsessed with Disney or had a favorite animation film in general? 

The answer? No one. 

If they didn’t, then they were probably forced to grow up quite a bit sooner than necessary.

This isn’t healthy for child development. Animated movies should be encouraged, not stopped. Animation makes the world so much more exciting to children and adults. It lets them dream, giving life to a certain sense of magic.  

According to Cinema Blend, Alec Baldwin, who voiced a character in “Boss Baby,” said, “Animation everything is exactly how you want it to look … you’re in a different world entirely, and they create that world.”

This is because people who create these amazing films really can also establish a completely new world. They can make whatever they want. 

Live-action films have a more difficult time being creative because they are — for the most part — limited by location and actors. 

Everyone could benefit from taking a break from reality for an hour and a half to travel through film to a different kingdom where anything is possible, true love exists and dreams do come true.

That is what animated films do — they create the ultimate dream world and bring it into your own reality. 

If you don’t like animated movies, what are you even doing with your life? 

Force yourself to watch an animated film and I guarantee you will be happily surprised after finding its better than you initially thought.

So, let us remember these sensationally famous films and many others that have impacted our lives. Let us keep their stories and their life lessons in our hearts forever.

Read Hailey’s opposing view here.

Lindsay Trombly can be reached at arg-arts@uidaho.ed or on Twitter @ lindsay_trombly

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