It has only been a few weeks since I left home to come back to Moscow to finish my junior year.
Leaving home every break is difficult, but it does become easier. My dog, Mojo, wanted to hop into my car and take the journey with me back to school. It broke my heart to say goodbye to him even though we will be reunited in early May.

Lindsay Trombly | Argonaut
When I go home, I am lucky enough to spend time with my furry friend and go to the dog park every day to interact with dogs who are not even my own. They sit on me. They love on me. They even want me to throw their slobbery tennis balls.
Nothing beats dog slobber and wet kisses. I miss every second of those dog park days while I am here at school. As much as I like it here, it is difficult not being able to go to my favorite place every day and seeing my dog park family. Even though I Facetime my dad frequently to get my dose of seeing Mojo, it does not ease the pain of being away from him.
But there is one important resource on campus students can utilize. I argue it is even one of the most important — therapy dogs.
These adorable, happy dogs help me cope during my time apart from Mojo.
When I visited the therapy dogs this past week for the first time in a while I was greeted by the most adorable Newfoundland who enjoyed a nice ear scratch. She loved it so much she drooled all over the sleeve of my dress and it reminded me of my own dog’s drool. It brought a smile to my face and I didn’t even care about the stain. The dogs enjoy getting love just as much as the students — which creates an enriching experience.
Not only that, the time frames are pretty flexible. The Health Hut also gives a pretty sizeable time range for students to stop by at their convenience wherever it fits their schedule. Plus, the event is in the ASUI Student Lounge, which gives plenty of space for students to pet the animals. UI hosts therapy dogs for students in the Commons for a specific reason — to cater to students’ needs.
According to HuffPost, dogs give many health benefits to humans such as reducing stress and staving off depression. Companion animals may improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and regulation the heart rate during stressful situations.
Having dog love is one of the most important types of love and something everyone needs — especially college students. College students are continuously stressed, but dogs make those stressful problems sort of fade away.
Plus, let us not forget the benefit of experiencing nice dog drool in life.
If students do not have time to attend a therapy dog session there is the Humane Society in Moscow who accepts volunteers. This is just another way to be around these lovable animals. Also if students do decide to adopt, there is that option.
Dogs are the greatest animals and companions in life. They never leave you or hurt you and they are a great member of any household.
We should all appreciate our furry best friends every day of the year, even if we are away from them at school. Just think how happy your furry friend will be when you will be reunited this summer. It will all be worth it.
I’m sorry I cheated on you this past week Mojo, but I hope you realize you will always be my top dog.
Lindsay Trombly can be reached at or on Twitter @lindsay_trombly