What are you looking for in this week’s visiting presidential candidates?
I’m looking for a leader who can embrace the diversity of campus, support the students as they rise to professionals and inspire the employees to do their part in fostering a connected campus. Nothing less.
— Ryan Benson
Easy! A candidate who is ready to bring sustainability to the forefront of the mission at the University of Idaho. We have all of these struggling systems around campus like recycling and composting, but students and departments can only do so much. We need an administration that will devote itself to getting everyone on the same page and making the tough decisions that come with a sustainable campus. For example, we should be investing in solar panels on buildings to produce clean energy. We should also be streamlining recycling on campus by making it as easy as possible. Also, we need a president who is going to push Vandals Dining and Sodexo to use more compostable and recyclable materials in the Commons. There are so many things that come with a sustainable UI, but a new, passionate president is where we need to start.
— Ethan Morris
Student importance
Only two candidates mention students in their bios.
— Denise Bennett
As a former student, accessibility (or the lack thereof) needs to be addressed — and not just in all its physical manifestations.
— Ashley Lorraine
We need an individual who is ready to remain invested, even after the honeymoon period is over.
— Shannon Kelly
Just a connection
As it stands, there is almost no relationship or trust with our current president and our next administrator needs to be adept at communicating with the students.
— Jonah Baker
Our current president seems to lack compassion for the students of this university. This doesn’t mean that the new president needs to make everyone feel like a special snowflake, but they need to communicate that they care about the well-being and education of the students.
— Grayson Hughbanks