In 1963, a disheveled 21-year-old white man was arrested for protesting African-American rights. Who was that man? Bernie Sanders.
Flash-forward 56 years later and Sanders is still standing up for human rights.
Two weeks ago, Sanders announced his bid for the 2020 presidency as a democratic candidate — although his 2016 run proved to be a bit of a flop.
In the last few weeks, Sanders has already been dismissed for his age, race, past candidacy and democratic socialist views.
Republicans are not the only ones rejecting Sanders. Even some Democrats are not in favor of him, with 14 candidates already in the running it’s interesting that Sanders is so heavily focused on.

Alex Brizee | Argonaut
A large concern is that Sanders will split the democratic party. I’m not naive, this is completely possible and could likely happen.
Though why doesn’t concern form over former Gov. of Massachusetts William F. Weld running against President Trump?
With so many Democratic candidates, the party is in flux. A professor of mine enlightened my class to the idea that Democrats live in a fish eat fish world — Democrat against Democrat instead of Democrats against Republicans.
Democrats, as a political party, are focusing on each other versus the issues and the mockery that President Trump is making of the White House — which will probably allow for his re-election.
If Sanders is likely to split the vote, why the push for his candidacy? In this Democrat-eat-Democrat world, Sanders is authentic.
Yes, we can address the elephant in the room (or donkey), he’s a white privileged man and some Democrats dismiss him solely for that reason. As a Cuban-American woman, seeing more diversity in public office is where I believe this country should be heading. But I also want genuine candidates.
Sanders, unruly hair and all, is genuine. He cares for the people — not just the politics.
A Politico article written by Pablo Zevallos disagrees. Zevallos views millennials as unauthentic and wonders why our generation would crave such an authentic candidate.
In a world filled with social media influence and identity crisis, my generation has lost some of what it means to be “real.” However, maybe that’s why we want Sanders — to feel real again, to feel the Bern.
Politicians are meant to be a voice for the people and Sanders’ concerns for our country shows that he cares about us — the people.
By not accepting money from super PACs and taking down big business, Sanders shows that his candidacy is run by the people. Raising $6 million within 24 hours of his presidential bid can’t be called anything other than a success.
There are countless issues facing our country right now. Climate change and the ever-changing middle class are just a couple.
Sanders is putting those issues first. Considering climate change an “existential crisis,” he wants to use green methods in the job force, energy system and all-around in our country.
Although Sanders may be a white man, he has not forgotten people of color.
And to those that believe Sanders is a communist, I encourage you to pick up a dictionary. My family fled from communism but the only place I’m running now is straight to polls to vote for candidates like Sanders. #FeeltheBern
Alex Brizee can be reached at or on Twitter @alex_brizee
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