UI closes amid winter storm warning

University of Idaho students took to change.org to call on the school to declare a snow day during heavy snowfall

The University of Idaho campus covered in snow earlier this week. Alex Brizee | Argonaut

The University of Idaho campus will close at 1:30 today to allow “employees to travel home safely,” according to Vandal Notice sent out Wednesday.

UPDATE: 12:30 p.m.

With a winter storm warning in effect on the Palouse and 4 inches expected to accumulate throughout the week, according to the National Weather Service, the University of Idaho sent two Vandal Notices alerting students of possible closures.

UI alerted students of the possible school closures Monday night, with a Vandal Alert-style text message announcing the decision to open or close would be made by 6 a.m. Tuesday morning. While the university remained open, an identical text was sent that same night, with the same outcome announced Wednesday morning.

SMART Transit announced due to dangerous road conditions, “fixed routes will not be operating until further notice.”

Meanwhile, Washington State University closed its Pullman campus Monday after heavy snowfall.

Brian Johnson, assistant vice president of facilities, plays a big role in deciding if UI will close due to weather. Johnson said safety is always the primary consideration, meaning the facilities crew works to make sure snow is cleared and walkways are safe on campus.

Snow days at UI are relatively rare, Johnson said, and if the decision team believes UI is safe to be operating and open, then it will be.

“If the conditions warrant it, though we’ll do whatever,” Johnson said. “If it meant multiple days of closure because it’s not safe, that’s what UI would do.”

UI students started a petition Tuesday to cancel school because of dangerous conditions. By 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, the petition had received over 1,600 signatures with a variety of concerns about student safety.

Jordan Willson can be reached at arg-news@uidaho.edu

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