What’s open over winter break

For those staying in Moscow over winter break, here is a list of the UI facilities that will be open and closed

For students who will be staying in Moscow over the break, both the Idaho Commons and Pitman Center, along with all general education buildings, will be closed during the holidays.

Benjamin Aiman, who partakes in facilities operations for the university, said the two facilities are included in UI’s closure for Christmas.

Aiman, who oversees the Commons and Pitman Center, said the buildings will be closed Dec. 24, 25, 31 and Jan. 1.

Aiman said both the Commons and Pitman Center will operate 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays from Dec. 17 to 21 and Jan. 2 to 4, 7 to 8, but will be closed on weekends Dec. 22, 23, 29, 30, and Jan. 5, 6.

Aiman said when the buildings are open, most of the public areas will be open as well, but, “deep cleaning will happen during the breaks, so some areas may be offline from time to time.” Rooms in the Teaching and Learning Center that will remain accessible during normal business hours, according to Aiman, include Alice’s Room, Cedar Grove, ASUI Student Lounge, TLC Lounge 143, TLC Lounge 243, Overlook Lounge, Confluence Lounge, Tribal Lounge and Pitman Second floor Lounge.

Aiman said none of the TLC’s dining options will be open during the break.

Brian Johnson, who is responsible for general education buildings, said all general education facilities will be open from Dec. 8 to 21 and then again from Jan. 2 to 8.

“The only facility open during the time period the university is closed is the library,” Johnson said.

The Student Recreation Center will only be closed from Dec. 23 to 25 and from Dec. 30 to Jan. 11. Outside of that time, they have limited hours. Brian Mahoney, associate director of the Student Recreation Center, said students can find more information regarding the center’s break hours on their website under “winter break hours.”

Johnson said the library will be open Dec. 22, 23, 26 to 30 and will re-open on Jan. 2, but added that “during this time period, they will have limited hours.”

As far as snow removal over the break, Charles Zillinger, who works with facilities on campus, said they hope to have snow removed frequently for those staying on campus or in Moscow over the break.

Zillinger said students can find additional information and parking restrictions on the University of Idaho website under the “infrastructure” tab.

Cody Allred can be reached at arg-news@uidaho.edu or on Twitter @CodyLAllred

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