Legislative candidates to speak to UI forum Monday

The Center for Volunteerism and Social Action will host a legislative forum 6 p.m. Monday in the Bruce Pitman Center Vandal Ballroom.

Candidates for state representatives will come to campus 6 p.m. Monday for a forum in the Bruce Pitman Center Vandal Ballroom.

All candidates vying for seats in Idaho’s fifth state legislative district, including Bill Goesling, Margaret Gannon, David Nelson and Laurene Sorensen will be there, as will incumbents Sen. Dan Foreman and Rep. Caroline Nilsson Troy, said Dylan Porter, social action student coordinator for the Center for Volunteerism and Social Action.

Porter said before attending the event students will have the opportunity to ask candidates questions by using a Google Forum available via VandalSync.

At the event, there will be two moderators asking candidates questions so students will be able to get a better sense of each candidates views on certain issues, he said.
Porter said that at the end of the event there will be a 20-minute session afterwards in which all will be able to ask candidates questions.

Porter hopes that students attend this event so they will be able to gain more information about the respective candidates before casting their ballots.

“The forum is where we’re bringing together the legislative candidates to come to the university and share their ideas with students. … It’s important because as students and as citizens we have the opportunity and also the duty to be active in our community,” Porter said.

Cody Allred can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @CodyLAllred.

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