Meredith Spelbring
Meredith Spelbring — Idaho 1-1
Idaho will take on two strong teams on foreign turf this week. The team gets a little stronger each week and will be able to take down Seattle U. In the second Pac12 game of the season, Idaho will put up a goodfight, but the Ducks will prevail in the end.

Brandon Hill
Brandon Hill — Idaho 2-0
No one can stop the Vandals this year, despite the in-troduction of new head coach Jeremy Clevenger. Somethought new leadership would lead to growing pains, but this senior-loaded roster will keep Idaho ahead of the competition.

Chris Deremer
Chris Deremer — Idaho 1-1
With new coach Jeremy Clevenger, the transition hasbeen nice for the Vandals. Expect Idaho to split the road series against two well-matched opponents.

Jonah Baker
Jonah Baker — Idaho 1-1
Idaho faces another difficult weekend on the road, and playing a talented Oregon squad will be a littletoo much for the Vandals. Expect further positive results against Seattle as Coach Clevenger continuesto gel with this team.