Price of parking

Parking unit introduces a new, more expensive Orange permit

Students returning from summer break will find Red parking permits no longer cover the range of parking lots they once did. This fall, Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) introduced a new Orange parking permit priced between Red and Gold permits.

Eleven UI parking  lots once Red — including several popular lots by the Mernard Law Building and the Student Recreation Center — are now Orange.

PTS officals said it is making the change in efforts of more efficiently using commuter lots. The university said in a news release that Red lots filled up so quickly permits for them were more akin to a “hunting license” for a spot.

Orange permits run at $250 — around $80 more than the Red permits, which cost $172. The higher price is intended to lower demand for permits and make more spaces available.

In addition to introducing Orange permits, Parking and Transportation Services is increasing the cost of Gold, Silver, Purple and Green permits. Gold permits will rise in price from $325 to $338, and Silver, Purple and Green permits will go from $172 to $196.

These changes are also intended to increase the availability of parking spots and promote alternative modes of transportation, according to the news release.

Parking and Transportation Services encourages students to use services including Zipcar, Zimride, the Moscow VanPool, public transportation and cycling as alternatives to paying for a parking permit.

The latter option will be made more convenient by a partnership between the university and the Palouse Bicycle Collective. Beginning this year, students will be eligible to join the nonprofit cycling shop’s Ready to Ride program. A $55 year-long membership gives students a bicycle, access to its Third Street location, free entrance to classes and workshops and 10% off all bicycle parts. Students can also bring their own bike and buy a cheaper membership with the same perks.

The efforts to boast alternative transportation’s efficacy are part of the parking unit’s long-term vision for a campus where people can “get around more conveniently and cost-effectively without a personally owned vehicle” according to the University’s Strategic Plan.

Danny Bugingo can be reached at at

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