Sports on the side

The fall semester brings a host of intramurals for sporty Vandals

Summer has the NBA Finals, the World Cup, and plenty of baseball. The stakes may be substantially lower in intramural sports, but there is still plenty for Vandals to get excited about this fall.

Campus Recreation will offer 24 different organized sports throughout the fall for students to relive the glory days and show some competitive spirit.

Fan favorites soccer and flag football both open up registration toward the end of August while temperatures are still reasonable outside. Entries for soccer teams are due Aug. 29, and flag football team entries are due a week later on Sept. 5. Both sports are living group sports, meaning that teams are drawn from Greek houses and residential living communities. These sports make it easier to aggregate teams and can be great incubators for new friendships.

For those looking for something off the beaten path, the Rec has a few uncommon opportunities as well.

Two separate cornhole seasons are scheduled for those that need some practice for tailgating season. A tournament-only offering opens up Aug. 24 with registration closing on the 22nd. For those who have not quite had enough, another full cornhole season closes registration Sept. 6 and starts the following day. ESPN2 neither confirmed nor denied whether Idaho’s cornhole champion will receive an invite to the World Championships of Cornhole, but the winners will definitely receive bragging rights and a free shirt.

Frisbee golf gives Vandals an opportunity to enjoy the University’s 9-hole frisbee golf course in early September. Two- person golf starts Sept. 22 as a perfect excuse to try Idaho’s golf course before the frost descends upon it. Co-rec softball, co-rec tennis and kickball round out the outdoor intramural season as the calendar moves into October.

As winter moves in, the Rec itself becomes the epicenter of on-campus organized sports.

Dodgeball kicks off the indoor season on Oct. 15 for those who just really want to hit a person in the face without repercussion. Floor hockey and 3-on-3 basketball are also great ways to stay active during October while still providing an outlet for controlled physical aggression.

There are also plenty of opportunities for those who may not have an athletically motivated group to play with. The Rec offers badminton and billiards in singles and doubles classifications, and there is even the possibility of a swim meet scheduled for Oct. 27 at the University of Idaho Swim Center.

Pending enough entrants, each sport offers two divisions to cater to desired intensity. Recreational pools are usually larger, but competitive divisions are better suited for dedicated athletes or particularly confident fraternity members. Each sport requires an entry form for the interested individual or team, and the due dates for entries vary. Larger endeavors with more participants and teams like ultimate frisbee and kickball require entry forms up to a week before play starts, and the captains of each team are encouraged to show up to the informative captain’s meetings before the first games. More information regarding schedules, rules, and entry forms can be found on the Rec Center’s website.

The Rec makes a concerted effort to create fun opportunities for just about everyone. Whether it is reliving the glory days or trying something new, there is a fall intramural sport for any occasion.

Jonah Baker can be reached at

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