UI Parking Services adds new category

The University of Idaho Parking and Transportation Services announced new changes to next year’s parking system, with the designation of Orange to various high demand Red lots across campus, according to a UI news release.

The announcement, sent out by email, detailed the plans for some Red lots to be given a higher price tag, along with the new color. Orange permits will cost $250 per academic year, a hike from Red’s $172.

“As you evaluate your parking and transportation needs for the upcoming academic year, we encourage you to review alternative transportation options, reach out to us with any questions, and consider an alternative commuting method for the new academic year,” according to the news release.

Eight Orange lots will be added, replacing some of UI’s busiest Red lots. New Orange lots include Lots 17 and 24 behind the Mernard Law Building, as well as Lot 64 B, east of the Student Recreation Center.

In the release, Parking and Transportation Services encouraged students who may be worried about the changes to utilize alternative transportation, with the goal of UI becoming a relatively vehicle-free campus, according to Parking and Transportation’s strategic plan.

“While our vision is not to eliminate all vehicles on campus, our resources will be focused on promoting alternative modes and improving options to help campus patrons get around more conveniently and cost-effectively without a personally owned vehicle,” according to the strategic plan.

UI parking permits can be purchased as early as July 11.

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