To prepare for finals season, the Tutoring and College Success program hosted a workshop to help students come up with individualized plans to study.
“Preparing for a test is really about planning,” said Marquise Evans, leader of the workshop.
Breaking study guides into blocks which are then studied a week before the test is an effective way to manage time and ensure all the material gets covered, Evans said.
Students should also remember, even though they reviewed a concept the day before, they should still go back and review everything the next day before starting the planned material, Evans said.
“Maybe do one hour and 30 minutes on Saturday, but go back on Sunday and review the stuff you learned on Saturday,” Evans said.
Evans said students could ask others who did well on previous tests to help study or to talk to the professor to review their old tests.Planning when and what to study is the most important thing students could do, Evans said.
When studying for math classes Evans said to rework all the problems, because math is all about practice.
Students can also prioritize finals preparations for each class based on how they feel about their performance and put more time into studying for the harder classes, Evans said.
“This is it, put everything into getting the grade you want. This ain’t the first or second test where you can save your grade,” Evans said.
Kali Nelson can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @kalinelson6