By the time lunch rolled around in the University of Idaho Commons, the smell of pizza brought students upstairs to check out National Alcohol Screening Day.
Students were encouraged to fill out forms detailing their regular alcohol consumption. The confidential forms were then shared with a single adviser, who would discuss the survey results with the participant.
Students were awarded a free slice of pizza for their participation.
“It’s a very informal, non-recorded way to get professional feedback towards your attitudes towards alcohol drinking,” said Jemeba Haynie, a student coordinator.
Haynie said the event takes a couple of minutes for students to fill out and then the student will talk about their results with a trained professional.
“Well they can learn a couple things. One, they can learn the University of Idaho has a counselling and testing center that offers free and confidential counselling, and one of the things we do is we help students make decisions about their alcohol and substance use,” said Sharon Fritz, a psychologist at the Counseling and Testing Center.
Students could also learn strategies to lower any high-risk behaviors Fritz said.
Fritz said the screening gives students a chance to evaluate the relationship they have with alcohol and find resources that are available should they need or want help.
If students were unable to make this event, Hayne said there will be another one April 12 at the Hub.
Students who need immediate assistance with alcohol or other substances can reach out to the Counseling and Testing Center or Vandal Health Education.
Kali Nelson can be reached at or on Twitter @kalinelson6