Vandal Entertainment no longer under ASUI

ASUI passes a bill making Vandal Entertainment an independent entity in the Department of Student Involvement

The ASUI Senate spent almost two hours during Wednesday’s meeting listening to comments about the resolution regarding the removal of University of Idaho Athletic Director Rob Spear. The Senate will vote on the resolution April 4.

Legislation-wise, the senate did pass removing Vandal Entertainment from the ASUI rules and regulations. The bill did not have any discussion before it was passed.

Jordan Johnson, ASUI chief of staff, said the bill would make the hiring process more efficient and would provide a greater understanding of expectations set for Vandal Entertainment members.

“The situation that was at Vandal Entertainment, we wanted to see a more hands-on approach of what would be the supervisor of Vandal Entertainment, and we were trying to figure out how we could go about doing that. What we decided was that Vandal Entertainment would be separate,” Johnson said.

Vandal Entertainment will still be in the Department of Student Involvement, but will no longer be under ASUI, Johnson said.

“I don’t know the ins-and-outs of negotiating a $70,000 contract, I just don’t. It’s not what I like doing, don’t make me continue to do it,” Johnson said.

Kali Nelson can be reached or on Twitter @kalinelson6

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