Sigma Alpha Epsilon shut down

UPDATED: Wednesday, 11 a.m.

The University of Idaho Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) Fraternity was shut down Tuesday by its national organization, according to a UI news release.

HAILEY STEWART | Argonaut The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity sits closed with its sign covered by a bag Wednesday morning.

After an investigation by the national organization, the chapter failed to abide by its national guidelines, including certain safety and health violations. UI was notified of the investigation in December 2017, and the chapter was put on a cease and desist order by the national fraternity, according to the news release.

The university now knows the investigation included hazing and is currently performing another investigation as part of the student code of conduct.

SAE members were notified today and must find alternative housing arrangements by March 18. SAE freshmen will be moved to on-campus housing.

Shawn Dowiak

Jodi Walker, UI director of communications, said SAE members can work with the Dean of Students Office and UI Housing and Residence Life. The UI Housing and Residence Life Office can be reached at 208-885-6571.

Shawn Dowiak, director of fraternity and sorority life, the university will help to provide possible housing options for SAE members looking for alternative housing.

“Underclassmen are permitted to live on campus and must live on campus their first year. They will automatically start that process as soon as possible,” Dowiak said. “Upperclassmen living will be handled on a case-by-case basis.”

Blaine Eckles, dean of students

UI, in conjunction with SAE’s national organization, will allow the fraternity to rejoin in August 2022. At that time, the fraternity must keep a dry chapter facility and house a live-in adviser, according to the news release.

“We support the decision of SAE’s national office, and commend them for investigating a complaint and making this decision,” Dean of Students Blaine Eckles said in the news release. “The well-being and safety of our students comes first at the University of Idaho and an investigation by the university into the alleged safety and behavior violations is underway.”

The incident comes just after UI Greek Life self-imposed a moratorium on all alcohol-related events in December in response to national occurrences of hazing, alcohol abuse and sexual assault. The moratorium officially ended Feb. 27, if Greek houses adhered to outcomes set forth by Greek leadership.

The UI chapter of SAE was not the only national chapter to be indefinitely suspended Tuesday. The SAE chapters at both the University of Missouri (MU) and the University of Kansas were put under a similar suspension. Like UI, the MU chapter was placed under a cease and desist order in December 2017, the Missourian reports.

Hailey Stewart can be reached at 

The Argonaut will continue to update this story as more information becomes available.


UPDATED: Wednesday, 11 a.m.

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