Back to business — ASUI Senate discusses legislative ambassador applications, medical amnesty and meeting time changes

Legislative ambassador applications are open from now until November 27th through VandalSync.

ASUI Director of Policy Briggs Jackson said there will be an informational meeting Nov. 14 and asked that senators discuss it with their living groups and encourage applications.

Jackson also said the main policy objective is moving forward to repeal the sunset clause on Idaho’s medical amnesty clause. Repealing the clause will take place during the next session of the legislature in the spring. Repealing the sunset clause would make medical amnesty a permeant addition to Idaho statutes, ASUI Lobbyist Clayton King said at the Sept. 27 senate meeting.

The agenda item to change the senate meetings from 7 p.m. to an earlier time was tabled until next senate meeting. Sen. George Wood said changing the meeting time would make meetings more accessible for students to attend — students might have scheduling conflicts with the 7 p.m. time. If passed, the change wouldn’t take place until spring semester.

Kali Nelson can be reached at


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