Take a breath and take care — The college student’s guide to coping with stress

Waking up at 7 a.m., five days a week, on top of three or more classes a day can be a drag.

At least a student can look forward to some free time in the afternoon, right? Well, there are meetings, study groups and countless events to attend around campus.

Being in college can take a lot out of a student, especially one who goes to school fulltime. Sometimes it helps to just close your eyes and breathe.

Set realistic goals

Especially after midterm week, it is a good time to reflect and realize how much you can take on before you reach a breaking point.

While signing up for spring semester, work with your adviser and listen to their suggestions on how many credits you should take — but at the end of the day, it is ultimately up to you. The recommended credit load is 15, but any more than that might be too much.

As a college student, you need to dedicate an equal amount of time studying for each class you are taking. You may need to take more time if you are especially struggling in a class. Take on a credit load that you believe is possible, but try not to overwhelm yourself in the process.

Lindsay Trombly | Argonaut

Get involved

First and foremost, you are investing your time and money into an education. So, your classes come first.

But, there is much more to a college experience than being enclosed in a room with four walls, studying for hours.

You should take the time to think about what interests you and go after it. Look into joining an extracurricular activity around campus that might benefit you in the long run. It is important to earn good grades in your classes, but it is also important to get involved.

Being involved looks great on a resume for future job applications, and will ultimately help you connect with various people on campus. Who knows, you might meet your best friend if you join a club that meets your academic or personal interests.

Take care of yourself mentally 

Studying and being involved are both very important aspects of a college career. You can’t get the dream job you want without taking these steps. But, the most important thing you should do as a college student is take the time to relax every once in a while.

Take time for yourself and do something that you enjoy in your spare time. Don’t have spare time you say? Make some.

Utilize the time between your classes to watch a quick show on Netflix, or read a book for fun. Spend time with your friends on the weekends because they will help you keep sane, and assist you in times when you are panicking from the overwhelming number of things still left on your to-do list.

Everyone says that school comes first, but honestly, your mental health and your stress level is most important. Do what you can, work hard and enjoy the little things life as a college student has to offer you.

Lindsay Trombly can be reached at arg-opinion@uidaho.edu or on Twitter @lindsay_trombly

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