New year, new resolutions — ASUI passes resolutions on transgender name changes, Title IX and elections

On Wednesday night, the ASUI Senate voted 12-to-2 to pass a resolution in support of transgender and non-binary students using their preferred names on student accounts, transcripts and diplomas.

Argument against the resolution, which stemmed from the fact that students can change their name legally and then change their student account, halted after Sen. Nicole Skinner said it is difficult to change one’s name because it requires time and money. She also said the process for transgender students changing their name can commonly include invasive questions.

“I want to compliment you on this transgender legislation you are going to consider tonight, it’s the kind of work we should do as a student senate — looking for ways to improve the lives of all our students,” said Shawn O’Neal, director of student involvement.

The senate also discussed issues regarding Title IX, passing a resolution which urged UI to continue using guidance from the Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) published in 2011 by the Department of Education and its Office of Civil Rights.

According to Title IX Violations Arising from Title IX Investigations: The Snake is Eating its Own Tail, by Joe Dryden, David Stader and Jeanne L. Surface, the DCL “details the department’s views on the roles and responsibilities of colleges and universities under Title IX, specifically as they relate to allegations of sexual assault.”

Under current department standards, to prove a sexual assault case there must be clear and convincing evidence, which requires 70 to 75 percent distinction, Sen. Jacob Lockhart said.

The resolution would maintain the current standards at UI, which Lockhart said increases hurdles for sexual victims to jump through. The senate passed the resolution.

The senate moved discussion to ASUI election campaign material.

The Public Relations Board asked the senate to consider a bill which would allow them to decide for themselves where they will be publishing campaign materials for ASUI elections. Currently, The Argonaut is required to publish a campaign voting guide, according to ASUI rules and regulations.

O’Neal voiced concern about bringing the publishing job into ASUI due to lack of experience, which could lead to liability problems later. The senate discussed and passed the bill.

Kali Nelson can be reached at


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