Q: What is the best way to cure a pesky cold?
Sleep it off
Nothing helps me more when I’m feeling under the weather than a long night’s sleep or nap in my big comfy bed.
— Savannah
Gold Bears to the rescue
When I notice I’m feeling sick, I grab a bag of Gold Bears and my troubles start to fade away. Seriously, these are just perfect.
— Max
Rabbit hole
Actively hunt out a nastier sickness. The more destructive virus wins out in the end, which means no more cold.
— Griffen
A hot meal
When I’m sick, a warm meal goes a long way. It helps you breathe when you have a stuffed nose.
— Grayson
Don’t overdo it
Just skip that class and nap. Don’t push yourself to your limits. Remember, we aren’t invincible.
— Kyle
Buck up
I wear a warm hat to make breathing easier and take lots of medication. You get over it eventually.
— Lindsay
Drug induced coma
I’m not even sure NyQuil helps with any cold symptoms, but at least it knocks me out so I’ll stop whining about it.
— Joleen
Sugar up
A hot chocolate and ice cream can go a long way in fixing a sore throat and a stuffy head on the days you really don’t feel like eating anything else anyway.
— Meredith
Slug out
I usually just watch tons of cartoons in my bed like a bum until I either die or feel better.
— Blake
Sleep, sleep, sleep
My own personal cure for the Moscow plague is sleeping and then sleeping some more. Thank you, night-time cold medicine.
— Mihaela
Cleaning from the inside
Whenever I’m sick, I try to drink a lot of water so my body has the resources to do what it has to do. Feeling sick? Hydrate.
— Nina
Couch it out
A new book, “Gilmore Girls” playing in the background and lots of rest on the couch. This way your roommate can tend to all your food and medicine needs.
— Hailey
Leave Moscow
Go to California and lay on the beach until the sunshine brings revitalization.
— Andrew
Oldie but a goodie
The ultimate sickness cure is the same as it has always been for me — chicken noodle soup and cuddle up on the couch watching movies.
— Tea