Column: Falling for Football

Fall is quickly approaching and it won’t be long before streets are covered with freshly fallen leaves and sweatpants become the go-to attire for many morning lectures. But, there is another f-word that comes with the festive fall season: football.

Football and fall go hand-in-hand. The sport has an overwhelming following and sparks a fiery passion in those who do follow, and why wouldn’t it? There’s fast paced contact in nearly every play and even the occasional 50-yard bomb to the end zone. What’s not to love?

The growing popularity of football has only made it more desirable to the already resilient fan base. Between college and professional leagues, games are played practically every day of the week. Fans are receiving exactly what they desire, more football.

Recently, a growing obsession with fantasy leagues has taken a pivotal role in the fall season —  yet another way for fans to get their football fix.

To some, competing with friends in fantasy football leagues is the best way to immerse in the football season. Fantasy leagues allow those competing to manage a team and see results from the games they follow.

With more on the line, there is more to follow. Often times, there are friendly wagers and other incentives to winning one’s league.

The sport has not only taken on a significant importance to its fans but investors, too. Not long ago, the National Football League played its games on Sunday with a lone-game Monday.

Now, there are Thursday night games and promotional “color rush” uniforms in attempt to generate even more of a buzz.

Football fans are spoiled with games to watch and new ways to follow the sport, and the opportunities are only growing. There is a significant demand for football and no lack of supply.

The more people that desire the sport, the more it is going to grow. Football holds a market that is com pletely unmatched by any other sport.

Zack Ozuna can be reached at or on Twitter @OzunaZack21

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