The entrance to the Student Recreation Center at the University of Idaho was a busy place Wednesday night.
Some stood outside the doors, hopping up and down, arms crossed. Some stood inside the building, hiding from the brisk chill of the wind. The temperature was 45 degrees.
“I’m so cold,” someone shouted.
They didn’t stay cold for long.
At the blast of a gun, as the clock struck 9 p.m., the 150 runners in attendance launched through campus at UI’s first annual Dash After Dark.

Students begin the 5k Dash After Dark Fun Run hosted by Pi Beta Phi, Delta Zeta, Delta Delta Delta, and Kappa Alpha Theta, outside the SRC Wednesday night.
Students begin the Dash After Dark 5k Fun Run outside the Student Recreation Center at 9 p.m. Wednesday.
The dash started fast as the crowd, clumped together in a giant mass, busted through the balloon archway at the start of the race.
“It was pretty hectic,” said freshman Clay Allred.
Allred was among the first to finish the 5K, one of the two courses available to those who registered for the event, which was organized by Vandal Health Education and Campus Recreation. The event served as a way for students to relieve stress and celebrate the end of the semester, said VHE mental health coordinator Emily Johnson.
“Everyone started out super strong,” said junior Avery Bolton, an intern with Vandal Health. Bolton and freshman Chanelle Brusseau were one of 27 pairs camped out along the courses to ensure every participant stayed safe and didn’t get lost.
Bolton said the racers finished strong, often sprinting back to the archway after rounding the last turn.
Junior Daniel Sallee was one such sprinter. He finished the course first, with a time of 17 minutes and 42 seconds.
Junior Jordan Chapman,who was also an early finisher, said the 5K course was “about perfect.”
“That was sweet,” he said.
The other course offered a 2K route, intended more for walkers than runners. The pace was naturally a bit slower.
“Probably about four miles per hour most of the time,” said freshman Dasha Goade.
Hattie Marshall and Ariah Husfloen, who both ran the course with Goade, said that it was a good stress-reliever, even though they thought the weather would be a tad different.
“I definitely thought it was gonna be warmer,” Marshall said.
Husfloen said they all had a good time, despite her and Marshall not being completely on-board to start.
“She (Goade) dragged us out here,” she said.
Once participants scampered past the finish line, they were rewarded with an array of free snack and hydration options.
“The snacks were fantastic,” said freshman Carla Hatfield.
To ensure every participant made it back to those snacks, one member of the event staff led the front of the pack on a bike while one brought up the rear.
Senior Alex Siemens had the latter assignment, and said she thought the event was well executed.
“It was a nice community event,” she said. “Everybody was cheering people on.”
Johnson said she thought the event was a success, and should be held again next year.
“I think it’s a great way to end the spring semester,” she said.
Ian Hahn can be reached at