A fair prize for a fair poster — Moscow Renaissance Fair poster competition to award winner cash prize.

A  $200 prize will be awarded to the winner of a poster competition for the Moscow Renaissance Fair. The winning artwork will be featured on 500 printed posters and appear on the front of the fair programs, Greg Meyer, the publicity coordinator for the renaissance fair, said.

“Your artwork goes on a poster, becomes a part of the history of the fair, which is a part of the history of the community, and is distributed throughout the area and around the region,” Meyer said.

Artists can submit entries electronically through the Moscow Renaissance Fair website. The deadline is March 1 for all online submissions.

Artists can also bring in their submissions from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. March 4 to Book People of Moscow Meyer said. The entry form must be attached to the back of all entries.

The posters will be assigned numbers and artists will remain anonymous. Voting is open to the public and will be hosted from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m March 4 at Book People of Moscow, Meyer said.

The winning poster will be unveiled at 5 p.m. April 1 at Mikey’s Greek Gyros, Meyer said. The winner of the contest must attend the unveiling.

The winner is informed the evening the public voting takes place and is asked not to share their art or promote it on social media and keep their victory a secret until the public unveiling, Meyer said. The fair reserves the right to disqualify contestants who violate the request, he said.

“It’s a chance for your creativity and your artwork to be seen and experienced by lots of folks,” Meyer said.

All submissions must meet the requirements for the poster including the phrase “The 44th Annual Renaissance Fair,” the dates of the event and the words “East City Park” prominently displayed on the poster, Meyer said.

He said the URL for the Moscow Renaissance Fair website, P.O. box number and Moscow Renaissance Fair are also required, in smaller print.

The posters should embody the theme of a renaissance fair, the annual celebration of spring, he said. Winning posters from over the years will be posted in Mikeys Greek Gyros the entire month of April, Meyer said.

The Renaissance Fair is May 6 – May 7. Admission is free and music, food and crafts will be open to the public.

Meyer said volunteers are needed for set up, take down and running the events. Volunteer inquiries can be directed to the president of the Renaissance Fair, Willow Falcon.

“It’s a fantastic group of people, when you think about all the work that goes into making this happen, it’s just a core group of volunteers and the board of directors,” Meyer said.

The entry form for the contest can be found at http://www.moscowrenfair.org/mrfPosterContestEntryFormGuide.pdf

Brie Slavens can be reached at arg-arts@uidaho.edu

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