Putting soymilk in coffee is like putting beanwater into a different kind of beanwater.
— Griffen
This is it. After a year and a half of chaos, Americans will make an important choice today. No matter what happens, it will all be over soon, and we all made it out of this in one piece. That’s an accomplishment.
— Erin
Election 2016
Remember good ol’ Bernie Sanders? If the GOP loses control of the Senate, he becomes the chair of the Senate Budget Committee.
— Josh
Vote your conscience
This election will be over soon, but don’t stop being an activist and standing up for what you believe in afterward. Besides, I will have a glass of wine to celebrate that it’s over no matter where the chips may fall.
— Catherine
I think the forces of compassion will overcome toxicity. I think it’s okay to admit when you’re wrong or you don’t understand. I think the disgusting rhetoric in our politics will change.
I think.
— Jack
Which is worse, biased media or biased government officials who should be completely neutral in presidential elections?
— Tess
I don’t know the results of the election yet, but I do know I’m still in denial that this circus is even occurring.
— Claire
U.S. election
It’s the peak of the semester, stress is at a high enough level as it is without this election. Bright side: after we receive the presidential results, only one week until fall break and recuperation for this long semester and even longer election cycle can begin.
— Kevin
Apartment problems
I am currently playing the ultimate college student game called “how long can I wait to turn on the heat.” I will win.
— Hailey
Carry on
A month to go. I won’t change for anybody because it’s up to me to control my destiny.
— Luis
I voted, bought a Christmas tree, purchased antivirus software with my own money and resisted the urge to sleep all weekend. You could say I’m learning to adult.
— Diamond
Christmas music
It is filling my apartment … my car … my study playlist … and I have no shame. #Christmascrazy
— Mihaela
Good for your health
A piece of chocolate a day is just straight necessary. Ask your doctor.
— Tea
It presents itself differently in everyone.
— Lyndsie